A Javascript
in Lisbon, Portugal.
Check http://www.meetup.com/require-lx/
To date (July 2013), there has been no group focused on JavaScript in Lisbon - so we decided to create this group!
We want to share our experiences and discuss challenges we experience when working with JavaScript with the Lisbon JS community in the hope to enable new awesome projects.
This is completely a community-driven effort - so we need your input and help!
- Encourage members to participate in open-source JS projects.
- Share workflows, tools, tricks & tips, and experience with frameworks that we use on a daily basis.
- Foster a local community of JavaScript developers - but also be welcoming to international visitors.
- Encourage discussion of both "classic" JavaScript environments (i.e., browsers), and also other environments where things like Node.js are making an impact: on servers, Arduinos, and the Raspberry Pi.
Use any of the following methods to communicate with us:
- Make a pull request.
- Open or comment in an issue.
- Discuss jump on https://gitter.im/require-lx/community
- Join the group on
to receive notification about when we are meeting.
- We are always looking for beer, snacks and food for the meetuos, developers are hungry folks :) If you are able to sponsor please reach out to us through this repo by opening a issue with the prefix "SPONSOR: "
- If you have a Venue available to host a meetup, please do share! Open a issue in this repo with the prefix "VENUE: ".
- Submit a talk proposal by opening a issue in this repo with the prefix "TALK: ".
- João Jerónimo - @joaojeronimo
- Bruno Barreto - @NeCkEr
- David Dias - @diasdavid on gh, @daviddias on tw :)
- Fábio Oliveira - @foliveira
- Daniela Borges - @sericaia
All the help is appreciated. If you would like to become an organizer and help the group grow, please contact one of the organizers.