JavaScript browser library for signing REY permissions
⚠️ WARNING: This project is still in alpha, so the lib interface might change
$ yarn add reputation-network/rey-sdk-js reputation-network/rey-ui
import createReyUi from "rey-ui";
// Create a new REY UI instance with the testnet defaults (chainId, contract addressess...)
const reyUi = createReyUi("test");
// Ask the user for a write permission that allows YOU as an app to provide information
// about that user on the reputation network.
const writePermission = await reyUi.requestWritePermission({
// YOUR app address, which will provide the information of the user
// after consent is given.
writer: "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
// Ssend the writePermission to a server where it can be later user when providing
// information about the user.
// Ask the user for a read permission (and related structs) that allows YOU to read
// what an app on the reputation network has about said user
const { session, readPermission, extraReadPermissions } = await reyUi.requestAllowToRunPermissions({
// YOUR app address, the one who is REQUESTING the data
reader: "0xbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",
// The app that will provide the data about the user (if any)
source: "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
// Send the readPermission, session and extraReadPermissions to a server and build
// there an appParams that can be used to query the app (source)
// Ask the user to read its own data from a given app(source).
await reyUi.openSelfRunPrompt({ source: "0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" })
// The user has finished reading its data or has cancelled it, you will never know...
Inlcude the REY ui script file in your page, provided by CDN jsDelivr
<script src=""></script>
Then you can follow the bundler example but translating the import as follows:
const createReyUi = window.REY.ui;
$ yarn install
$ yarn start:dev
MIT © 2018 Reputation Network