Excel Table for assisted dispatching for Manager and Pilots of the Flight Economic System FlyTheWold (https://www.ftw-sim.de/)
- Easy Dispatching for Pilots and Dispatcher (Job Market)
- Choose your plane and Departure
- See which destinations are available for your plane and departure (Range, compatible Terminals and runways)
- contains airport information from over 70.000 Airports (Source: https://ourairports.com/data) with ICAO, GPS coordinates and maximum runway length
- contains list from all FTW Planes with needed technical data (Range, required runway, etc.)
- Import Default Export Files from Virtual Airline (VA) Planes and Pax/Cargo-Terminals (FBO)
- generate list of possible routes for dispatching table
- add manually not known airports and plane seats
- export dispatching worksheet to external Excel-Table with only necessary data. This worksheet can be shared online via OneDrive for dispatching
- Update global Airport list
- Generate updated Dispatching Table
- Export Dispatching Table to small external file without macros