Calculate your age and the time between your current age and a past or future age on depending on the solar years of a few different planets.
- JavaScript
- Webpack
- npm
- Babel
- ESLint
- Jest
Enter your earth age and learn what your age would be in Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter years. Enter a future or past age and learn how many Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Jupiter years have elapsed or will pass since you were the past age or until you are the future age.
- Clone this repository to your desktop
- Install all packages with $ npm install.
- Build project using webpack with $ npm run build
- Start a development server with $ npm run start
- Lint JS files in the src folder with $ npm run lint
- Run tests with Jest using $ npm run test
- It will continue to output no matter how many times you click the buttons.
Copyright (c) Sarah Reimann