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Getting Start

First of all you need to create a file in the root of your project, named .npmrc, and put the below content in it:


Then, before getting start to develop in this repository, you need to set a variable in your .bashrc file (The .bashrc is located in the home directory of your linux distribution). So open the .bashrc file and add the following line at the end.

GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="your access token"

If you do not know how to create an access token in GitHub, you can see this document.

Package Installation

Now you need to install all the dependencies of the project using the following command:

npm i

Run The Project

There is some examples defined in the /example directory of the repository. To view these example on the browser, you can run the project using the following command:

npm run dev


We have some reusable elements, defined in the /elements directory. We will review each one and you can see how to use them.

Button & Links

The button element is a wrapper to the button component of @wordpress/components library. The styles in the new component is customized and also the type of some properties is changed to enum to decrease the possible mistakes in using string.


As we mentioned you can use all the defined properties for the button component of the @wordpress/components library and you can check them here. So I just mention those ones which their type is changed:

  1. variant: The type of this property is ButtonVariant and these are the possible choices for this property: PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERITARY, and LINK.
<Button variant={ButtonVariant.PRIMARY} />
  1. color: The type of this property is ButtonColor and these are the possible choices for this property: GREEN, and RED.
<Button color={ButtonColor.GREEN} />
  1. size: The type of this property is ButtonSize and these are the possible choices for this property: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL, X_SMALL, and XX_SMALL.
<Button size={ButtonSize.MEDIUM} />
  1. icon position: The type of this property is ButtonIconPosition and these are the possible choices for this property: START, and END.
<Button iconPosition={ButtonIconPosition.END} />

Input Fields

This package supports different types of input fields collected in 7 components.


Most common input field is Input. You can use Input when the type of your inputs are "text", "number", "date", "date time local", "color", "email", "month", "password", and "hidden". The Input component is a wrapper to __experimentalInputControl of @wordpress/components package. So in addition to properties of the main component, just a property is added, and another one has type change.

  1. type The type of type property is changed to InputType which is an enum with the following choices: TEXT, DATE, DATE_TIME_LOCAL, COLOR, EMAIL, HIDDEN, MONTH, NUMBER, and PASSWORD.

The default value for input type, is TEXT:

<Input help="this is help" label="this is a simple input" placeholder="this is placeholder" />

With specified type and icons for the start and end of input:

  help="this is help"
  label="this is label"
  placeholder="this is placeholder"
  suffix={<Icon iconName={IconName.CHECK_MARK_CIRCLE_FILLED} />}
  prefix={<Icon iconName={IconName.CHECK_MARK_CIRCLE_FILLED} />}
  1. hasError The hasError property is a boolean that you can pass true to it when the input field is faced with an error.


The Checkbox input is a wrapper component for CheckboxControl component of @wordpress/components, and all of properties of the main component is the same for our customized component.


  onChange={(value: boolean) => {
    // handle the on change function
  label="Checkbox Label"
  checked={/*true or false*/}


The Radio input is also a wrapper component for RadioControl which is a component of @wordpress/components. So all of the properties of Radio is the same as RadioControl.

For using the Radio component, you need to pass the options property and it will add a radio button for each option:

  onChange={(value: string) => {
    // handle the on change function
  label="Radio Label"
    { label: 'Radio option 1 label', value: '1' },
    { label: 'Radio option 2 label', value: '2' }


The Range input field is a wrapper for RangeControl of @wordpress/components. The only property that is added to this component is helpPosition which is responsible to determine the position of help text. This is an optional property with two choices: INSIDE (default value), and BOTTOM.

  label="Adjust Gap"
  value={/* range value */}
  helpPosition={RangeHelpPosition.BOTTOM} // or RangeHelpPosition.INSIDE
  onChange={(value?: number) => {
    setRangeState(value ?? 0);
  help="px data"


The Toggle input field is a wrapper for ToggleControl of @wordpress/components. There is no new property for this component.

  label="Toggle Label"
  help="Toggle Hint"
  onChange={(value: boolean) => {
    // handle change
  checked={/* boolean value */}


The Select input field is also a wrapper for SelectControl of @wordpress/components. There is only a hasError property added to this component, which is getting a boolean value and add a error style to this component. This is how to use this component:

  label="Select one"
  help="This is the help text"
      value: 'value1',
      label: 'First Label'
      value: 'value2',
      label: 'Second Label'

Multi Select

The MultiSelect input field is a wrapper for FormTokenField of @wordpress/components. Some new optional properties is added to the MultiSelect component such as: hasError, showHelp, and renderItem. Also some properties of the main component (FormTokenField) are forced with a static value. Below you can see these properties with their static values:

  • __experimentalAutoSelectFirstMatch --> true
  • __experimentalExpandOnFocus --> true
  • __experimentalShowHowTo --> The showHelp property is passed to this property
  • __experimentalRenderItem --> If you need a customized render view for the selected items, you can use the renderItem which is calling in the body of __experimentalRenderItem property.


The Icon component has 4 properties.

  • iconName required

    Type: IconName

    You can find the possible choices for this enum in the /src/elements/icon/icon-type.ts path.

  • size optional

    Type: IconSize

    The options you can use for this enum are: TINY, SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, and X_LARGE. The default value of this property is: SMALL.

  • fill optional

    Type: string

    You can use this property to customize the color of the icon you're using. The default value for this property is black.

  • className optional

    Type: string

    If you need to add a specific css class to the Icon component, you can pass the className.

<Icon iconName={IconName.CARET_RIGHT} fill="green" size={IconSize.X_LARGE} />
<Icon iconName={IconName.NOTIFICATIONS_OUTLINED} fill="blue" size={IconSize.LARGE} />
<Icon iconName={IconName.DRAG} fill="red" size={IconSize.MEDIUM} />
<Icon iconName={IconName.ERROR_OUTLINED} fill="black" size={IconSize.SMALL} />
<Icon iconName={IconName.GAP} fill="pink" size={IconSize.TINY} />


We have implemented some reusable components using the elements, defined in the /components directory. We will review each one to see how to use them.


The Accordion is a component to show contents animatedly that could be draggable or fixed. This component is actually a wrapper for the @szhsin/react-accordion library.

All the properties of the main component, is available for this component too (See the documentation), but there are also some specific properties:

  • items required The items property is an array that each item has a header, content and buttons.

  • noDraggable optional By default the accordion is draggable and you can move the items with each other, but if you don't need this feature, you can pass the true value to this property.

  • dragId optional Draggable components, need a unique dragId. So if you are using the draggable accordion, you should pass a string value to this property.

  • onDragItemEnd optional If you need to control when the dragging process is ended, you can use this function. It gets a result parameter which is an object that includes the information of the source and destination of the dragging process.

Below you can see an example of using the Accordion component:

  transitionTimeout={/* determine the speed of opening and closing the items */}
  noDraggable={/* true/false */}
      header: 'Please open me',
      content: 'lorem ipsum',
      buttons: [
          text: 'Edit',
          onClick(params: IAccordionItemButtonClickParams): void {
            /* some functionalities */
          text: 'Delete',
          variant: ButtonVariant.SECONDARY,
          color: ButtonColor.RED,
          onClick(params: IAccordionItemButtonClickParams): void {
            /* some functionalities */
      header: 'Please open me 2',
      content: (
          <p>this is body</p>
          <br />
          <Input placeholder="Placeholder" label="Sample Label" help="This is hint" />
          <br />
          <div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '4px' }}>
            <Button variant={ButtonVariant.SECONDARY}>Cancel</Button>


Single Alert

This is the wrapper component for the Snackbar component of @wordpress/components.

All the properties of the main component is accessible for this component too, and there is only one more property:

status optional The status property will show how the Alert component looks like. It's type is an enum with 4 different choices: SUCCESS, ERROR, INFO, and WARNING.

Here is an example of using Alert component:

<Alert status={AlertStatus.SUCCESS}>
  Example Text

Alert List

Alert list is a wrapper to the SnackbarList component of the @wordpress/components library. It can handle multiple alerts in one component. The component will be displayed as a fixed element in the HTML page.

All the properties are the same as the main component.

Here is an example of using AlertList component:

  onRemove={() => {}}
      id: '1',
      content: 'Hello guys',
      status: AlertStatus.SUCCESS,
      explicitDismiss: true
      id: '2',
      content: 'Hello guys 2',
      status: AlertStatus.ERROR,
      explicitDismiss: true
      id: '3',
      content: 'Alert with custom icon',
      status: AlertStatus.ERROR,
      // show a dismiss icon
      explicitDismiss: true,
      // with icon
      icon: <Icon iconName={IconName.DELETE} />
      id: '3',
      content: 'Alert without dismiss icon',
      status: AlertStatus.ERROR


This component is a container component. The component is divided to two sides, the left side is included an icon with a title, and the right side could be included with any component required.

Block component will get the following properties:

  • title required This is a string property that shows the title of the Block component.

  • iconName required The type of this property is IconName which is an enum. This property will use for showing the icon of the Block component.

Below, you can see an example of Block component:

<Block iconName={IconName.GAP} title="This is title">
    label="Adjust Gap"
    value={/* range value */}
    onChange={(value: number | undefined): void => {
      /* on change functionality */


The Container component is a versatile wrapper that can be used to encapsulate other components or content with specific styling constraints such as width and margin behavior. It leverages styled components for efficient and flexible styling. This document outlines the properties available for the Container component and provides an example of how to use it.


The component accepts the following properties:

  • type optional Defines the container's margin behavior. It accepts one of three values from the ContainerType enum:

    1. FULL_WIDTH: The container takes up the full width of its parent.
    2. MARGIN_AUTO: Automatically applies margins to center the container within its parent.
    3. STATIC_MARGIN: Uses predefined margin values specified in the container's styling. This is the default value if type is not specified.
  • width optional Specifies the width of the container. It accepts any valid CSS width value (e.g., 100px, 50%, auto). The default value is unset, allowing the container to adapt based on its content and the specified type.

  • children required The content to be rendered within the container. This can be any React nodes.

Example Usage

Below is an example of how to use the Container component within a React application. This example demonstrates how to create a centered container with a fixed width.

import { Container, ContainerType } from './path/to/Container';

function App() {
  return (
    <Container type={ContainerType.MARGIN_AUTO} width="960px">
      <h1>Hello World</h1>
      <p>This is a simple example of using the Container component.</p>


FieldMap is a complex component used for rendering a dynamic list of items with the capability to add or remove rows. It utilizes the FieldMapCell for individual cells and provides a structured layout for item lists, including headers and customizable add/remove functionality.


  • headers required

    • Description: An array of objects defining the headers of the field map. Each header object must include a title (string) and can optionally specify a customWidth (string) for the header cell.
  • children required

    • Description: An array of ReactNode[], representing the rows to be rendered within the field map. Each child corresponds to a row in the field map.
  • gap optional

    • Description: Specifies the gap between rows and cells within the field map. Accepts any valid CSS size value (e.g., 20px). Defaults to 20px if not specified.
  • removeIcon optional

    • Description: Defines the icon used for the remove button in each row. Can accept an IconType from the @wordpress/components or an IconName enum value. Defaults to IconName.DELETE.
  • addItemText optional

    • Description: The text displayed on the button used to add new rows. Defaults to 'Add a new row'.
  • onAddItemClick required

    • Description: A function to be called when the add item button is clicked. It does not accept any parameters and does not return anything.
  • onRemoveItemClick required

    • Description: A function to be called when the remove item button is clicked for a specific row. It accepts one parameter, rowIndex (number), indicating the index of the row to be removed.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { FieldMap, IFieldMapHeader } from './path/to/FieldMap';

const headers: IFieldMapHeader[] = [
  { title: 'Column 1', customWidth: '150px' },
  { title: 'Column 2' },
  // Add more headers as needed

function MyComponent() {
  const handleAdd = () => {
    // Logic to add a new row

  const handleRemove = (index: number) => {
    // Logic to remove a row at a specific index

  return (
      {/* Row components or elements go here */}

This documentation outlines the structure and usage of the FieldMapCell and FieldMap components, including their properties and a practical example for implementing a dynamic field mapping interface.


The Section component encapsulates a section of content, complete with a customizable header and an optional body. It leverages the SectionHeader component for the header part, allowing for a consistent layout across different sections of an application.


  • headerProps required

    • Description: An object containing properties to be passed to the SectionHeader component. This includes all properties supported by SectionHeader such as title, description, and infoText. It ensures that each section can have a customized header.
  • children optional

    • Description: The content to be displayed within the body of the section. This can include any React nodes, allowing for flexible content rendering within each section.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { Section } from './path/to/Section';
import { ISectionHeaderProps } from './path/to/header/section-header-type';

const headerProps: ISectionHeaderProps = {
  title: "Section Title",
  description: "Description of this section",
  infoText: "Additional info about this section"

function MySection() {
  return (
    <Section headerProps={headerProps}>
      <p>This is the content of the section.</p>


These examples demonstrate how to implement the Section components, showcasing the ability to provide detailed headers with additional information via tooltips and to structure content within distinct sections.

The SortableCards component provides a flexible and interactive way to display a list of items that can be sorted through drag-and-drop. It integrates with @wordpress/components for dropdown menus and includes custom styling for list items.


  • items required

    • Description: An array of ISortableCardItem objects, each representing an item in the list. Each object must include id, title, and badge properties.
  • selectedItemId optional

    • Description: The id of the item that is currently selected. This is used to apply a different style to the selected item to distinguish it from others.
  • menuItems optional

    • Description: Properties to pass to the DropdownMenu component, excluding the icon property. This allows for the addition of a dropdown menu to each sortable card with customizable options.
  • onSelectedItemChange optional

    • Description: A callback function that is called when a new item is selected. It receives the id of the newly selected item as its parameter.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { SortableCards } from './path/to/SortableCards';
import { IconName } from './path/to/icon/icon-type';

const items = [
  { id: '1', title: 'Item 1', badge: 'Badge 1' },
  { id: '2', title: 'Item 2', badge: 'Badge 2' },
  // Add more items as needed

function MyComponent() {
  const handleSelectedItemChange = (id) => {
    console.log(`Selected item id: ${id}`);

  return (
        label: 'Options',
        controls: [
          { title: 'Action 1', onClick: () => console.log('Action 1 clicked') },
          { title: 'Action 2', onClick: () => console.log('Action 2 clicked') },
          // Add more actions as needed


This component allows for the creation of a dynamic, sortable list with integrated dropdown menus for additional actions, enhancing the interactivity of list displays.

The Tooltip component is designed to display a tooltip in various placements around a target element. It supports light and dark modes for different visual presentations.


  • mode optional

    • Description: Sets the theme of the tooltip. It accepts two values from the TooltipMode enum: LIGHT or DARK. The default mode is LIGHT, which applies a light-themed background with dark text.
  • id required

    • Description: A unique identifier for the tooltip. This ID is used to link the tooltip with its target element using the data-tooltip-id attribute.
  • place required

    • Description: Specifies the position of the tooltip relative to its target element. It accepts values from the TooltipPlace enum, including positions like TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT, and their variations (TOP_START, TOP_END, etc.).
  • content required

    • Description: The text or content to be displayed within the tooltip. This can be a simple text string or more complex HTML content.
  • children required

    • Description: The target element around which the tooltip will be displayed. The tooltip is activated when the user hovers over or focuses on this element.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { Tooltip, TooltipMode, TooltipPlace } from './path/to/Tooltip';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      content="This is a tooltip example."
      <button>This button has a tooltip</button>


The Table component is a responsive table solution designed to display data in both desktop and mobile layouts. It supports draggable rows for reordering and can be customized with actions for each row.


  • headers required

    • Description: An array of strings representing the column headers of the table.
  • dataRows required

    • Description: A two-dimensional array of ReactNode items, representing the data for each cell of the table by rows.
  • actions optional

    • Description: An array of ITableAction objects, each representing an action that can be performed on the rows of the table. These actions are typically represented as buttons or icons at the end of each row.
  • noDraggable optional

    • Description: A boolean that, when set to true, disables the draggable functionality for reordering rows. Defaults to false, allowing rows to be reordered.
  • onDragItemEnd optional

    • Description: A callback function that is called when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. It receives the result of the operation, which includes the source and destination indices.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { Table } from './path/to/Table';
import { ReactNode } from 'react';

function MyTableComponent() {
  const headers = ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3'];
  const dataRows: ReactNode[][] = [
    [<div>Row 1, Cell 1</div>, 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3'],
    ['Row 2, Cell 1', <span>Cell 2</span>, 'Cell 3'],
    // Add more rows as needed

  const handleDragEnd = (result: any) => {
    // Handle the drag end event, such as updating the order of data

  return (

This component provides a flexible and responsive table layout, adapting seamlessly from desktop to mobile views. It allows for interactive data presentation, with support for custom row actions and reordering capabilities.


The Header component is designed to serve as the top part of a UI, containing a logo and a navigation menu. The component is highly customizable, allowing for different types of logos (text, SVG, or image) and a dynamic menu based on the provided items.


  • items required

    • Description: An array of IHeaderItemProps objects, each representing an item in the navigation menu. These items are used to render the menu and handle item selection.
  • logoSource required

    • Description: The source for the logo, which can be a text string, an SVG React component, or an image source URL, depending on the logoType.
  • logoType optional

    • Description: Specifies the type of the logo to be rendered. It accepts values from the HeaderLogoType enum: SVG, IMAGE, or TEXT. Defaults to TEXT.
  • activeItemIndex optional

    • Description: The index of the currently active (selected) item in the navigation menu. This is used to highlight the active item.
  • onSelectItem optional

    • Description: A callback function that is called when a new item in the navigation menu is selected. Receives the index of the selected item as its parameter.

Example Usage

import React from 'react';
import { Header, HeaderLogoType } from './path/to/Header';
import { Icon } from './path/to/Icon';

function MyAppHeader() {
  const items = [
    { label: 'Home', href: '/' },
    { label: 'About', href: '/about' },
    // Add more menu items as needed

  const handleSelectItem = (index) => {
    console.log('Selected item index:', index);

  return (
      logoSource={<Icon name="MyAppLogo" />}

This documentation outlines how to implement the Header component, offering flexibility in logo presentation and navigation menu configuration for a cohesive and functional user interface.


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