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An operator-managed OpenShift Jenkins for OpenShift 4.x



Running Locally

To run the operator locally, you need to have your OpenShift clusters active by running either of these commands:

# This sets your active credentials in ~/.kube/config
oc login your-server -u your-user -p your-password


export KUBECONFIG=/home/user/path/to/kubeconfig`

Then run this command to run the operator:

make run-local

Access the Jenkins web UI when Running Locally

Follow these steps to access the Jenkins web UI:

First, create the Jenkins custom resource (CR):

oc create -f deploy/crds/jenkins_ephemeral_v1alpha1_jenkins_cr.yaml created

Second, identify the route to the Jenkins console:

oc get routes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].spec}{"https://"}{.host}{end}{":443\n"}'

And then, navigate to the route in your browser. You will be redirected by Jenkins to log into the OpenShift console before the Jenkins console web UI is opened.

Creating a Pipeline

Creating a new project that defines a pipeline (for example, through a project's JenkinsFile) will automatically create a job and build in the Operator managed instance of Jenkins.

For example:

oc new-app --context-dir openshift/pipelines