version 0.0.1
Komodo libnspv support for Unity game development platform
Unity C# script wrappers for komodo kogs game rpc.
Supported platforms: Currently supports Windows and Android platforms
Package content:
- coins - file with chain descriptions, required by libnspv
- Assets/StreamingAssets/data/coins - copy of 'coins' file accessible in Android apk
- Assets/CallNativeCode.unity - sample Unity scene to call
- Assets/KogsWrapper.cs - kogs rpc wrapper C# code
- Assets/java/com/DefaultCompany/TestAndroidSO/ - overloaded to get access to assetManager object
- libs/Windows - libnspv and kogs wrapper native libs for Windows (the libs should be placed into a dir which is in the OS Windows search PATH)
- Assets/Plugins/Android - libnspv and kogs wrapper native libs for Android
Import this package into Unity project
Set IL2CCP script in the Player setting
For android set only arm64 architecture in the Player setting.
To test - uncomment test code in KogsWrapper.cs and add the scene in the 'Build and Run' window
Where lib's log:
- on Windows the lib logs into nspv-debug.log file in the Unity project root directory
- on Android the lib logs into android log accessible remotely with 'adb logcat'.