- Exploratory data analysis (EDA) of the Portugese Bank Marketing dataset (UCI, kaggle).
- Classification goal of predicting whether or not a customer will subscribe a term deposit.
- This was a group project part of the course "DSA5101: Introduction to Big Data for Industry". I did the EDA and pre-processing bits.
- I've also included some models to demo performance. A more thorough study of different models and parameters was performed by the other members.
- The presentation also included discussions of the business implication, insights and findings, and future ideas. I'll not be updating the slides here.
- Please download the dataset from the links provided. I'll not be uploading the csv files here.
- Get metadata about the data frame (like number of entries) and its columns (like names and type).
- Distinguish between numerical and categorical columns and treat them separately.
- Get the distribution of the output. Here, it's imbalanced classification (a.k.a outlier/novelty detection).
- Get the distributions of the individual columns and any relevant conditional distributions (e.g.: column | output = 1).
- Impute unknown/null values.
- Check for (and remove) outliers.
- Drop columns that seem logically irrelevant (carefully).
- Create new features.
- Find correlations using mutual information and correlation matrices.
- Use pipelines to streamline processing.
- Transform the data:
- Incorporate adding/dropping columns from EDA into pipelines and leave the original data untouched.
- Use column transformers to scale numerical columns and encode + scale categorical columns.
- If your model requires it, consider normalizing.
- Select features:
- Remove noisy features to avoid overfitting.
- Remove interdependent features.
- Use dimensionality reduction, univariate feature selection or select from model.
- Consider oversampling to tackle the imbalanced dataset.
The pipeline looks like this:
model = IMBPipeline([
('cleaner', data_cleaner), # to drop columns and imputation
('feature_engineer', feature_engineer), # to add new columns
('column_transformer', column_transformer),
('feature_selector', 'passthrough'),
('oversampler', SMOTE(random_state=0)),
('predictor', RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0)),
- Trees:
- Boosting
- Bagging
- Balanced
- Ensemble
- Linear and NNs
- Scoring
- Choose scoring metric (more than one preferred).
- Cross validate or simple train test split.
- Generate report (e.g., confusion_matrix).
- Model Selection:
- Use grid search for the best hyper parameters.
- Use tuner if you are using deep learning.