Build multiple versions of your sphinx docs and merge them into one website.
- Isolated builds using venv, virtualenv or poetry
- git support
- Build with
or custom commands - Access and modify all versioning data inside
- Concurrent builds
- Override build configuration from commandline easily
- Render templates to the root directory containing the docs for each version
- Build from local working tree easily while mocking version data
- Not a sphinx extension -> standalone tool
- Configuration in a python script
- Highly customizable and scriptable through OOP
- Implement subclasses in your configuration script to add support for other VCS, Project/dependency management tools, build tools and whatever you require
- IDE integration and autocompletion
Have a look at the roadmap to find out about upcoming features.
pip install sphinx-polyversion
poetry add --group docs sphinx-polyversion
Setup your sphinx docs in docs/source/sphinx
. Add a
with the following to set directory:
from sphinx_polyversion.api import load
# This adds the following to the global scope
# html_context = {
# "revisions": [GitRef('main', ...), GitRef('v6.8.9', ...), ...],
# "current": GitRef('v1.4.6', ...),
# }
# process the loaded version information as you wish
html_context["latest"] = max(html_context["revisions"]) # latest by date
# sphinx config
project = "foo"
# ...
Configure sphinx-polyversion
in the file docs/
from pathlib import Path
from sphinx_polyversion.api import apply_overrides
from sphinx_polyversion.driver import DefaultDriver
from sphinx_polyversion.git import Git, file_predicate
from sphinx_polyversion.pyvenv import Poetry
from sphinx_polyversion.sphinx import SphinxBuilder
#: Regex matching the branches to build docs for
#: Regex matching the tags to build docs for
TAG_REGEX = r".*"
#: Output dir relative to project root
OUTPUT_DIR = "docs/build"
#: Source directory
SOURCE_DIR = "docs/source"
#: Arguments to pass to `poetry install`
POETRY_ARGS = "--only sphinx --sync".split()
#: Arguments to pass to `sphinx-build`
SPHINX_ARGS = "-a -v".split()
#: Mock data used for building local version
"revisions": [
GitRef("v1.8.0", "", "", GitRefType.TAG, datetime.fromtimestamp(0)),
GitRef("v1.9.3", "", "", GitRefType.TAG, datetime.fromtimestamp(1)),
GitRef("v1.10.5", "", "", GitRefType.TAG, datetime.fromtimestamp(2)),
GitRef("master", "", "", GitRefType.BRANCH, datetime.fromtimestamp(3)),
GitRef("dev", "", "", GitRefType.BRANCH, datetime.fromtimestamp(4)),
GitRef("some-feature", "", "", GitRefType.BRANCH, datetime.fromtimestamp(5)),
"current": GitRef("local", "", "", GitRefType.BRANCH, datetime.fromtimestamp(6)),
#: Whether to build using only local files and mock data
MOCK = False
#: Whether to run the builds in sequence or in parallel
# Load overrides read from commandline to global scope
# Determine repository root directory
root = Git.root(Path(__file__).parent)
# Setup driver and run it
src = Path(SOURCE_DIR)
buffer_size=1 * 10**9, # 1 GB
predicate=file_predicate([src]), # exclude refs without source dir
builder=SphinxBuilder(src / "sphinx", args=SPHINX_ARGS),
template_dir=root / src / "templates",
static_dir=root / src / "static",
Build your docs by running
$ sphinx-polyversion docs/
usage: sphinx-polyversion [-h] [-o [OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE...]]] [-v] [-l] [--sequential] conf [out]
Build multiple versions of your sphinx docs and merge them into one site.
positional arguments:
conf Polyversion config file to load. This must be a python file that can be evaluated.
out Output directory to build the merged docs to.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o [OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE ...]], --override [OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE ...]]
Override config options. Pass them as `key=value` pairs.
-v, --verbosity Increase output verbosity (decreases minimum log level). The default log level is ERROR.
-l, --local, --mock Build the local version of your docs.
--sequential Build the revisions sequentially.
#: Mapping of revisions to changes in build parameters
None: SphinxBuilder(Path("docs")), # default
"v1.5.7": SphinxBuilder(Path("docs/source")),
"v2.0.0": CommandBuilder(
["sphinx-autodoc", Placeholder.SOURCE_DIR, Placeholder.OUTPUT_DIR],
"v2.4.0": CommandBuilder(
["sphinx-autodoc", Placeholder.SOURCE_DIR, Placeholder.OUTPUT_DIR],
#: Mapping of revisions to changes in environment parameters
None: Poetry.factory(args="--sync".split()), # first version
"v1.5.7": Poetry.factory(args="--only sphinx --sync".split()),
"v1.8.2": Poetry.factory(args="--only dev --sync".split()),
"v3.0.0": Pip.factory(venv=Path(".venv"), args="-e . -r requirements.txt".split()),
# ...
# ...
selector=partial(closest_tag, root),
# ...
{"revisions": [GitRef(...), GitRef(...)], "current": GitRef(...)}
You can change the format by passing your own factory.
def data(driver: DefaultDriver, rev: GitRef, env: Environment):
return {
"tags": list(filter(lambda r: r.type_ == GitRefType.TAG, driver.targets)),
"branches": list(filter(lambda r: r.type_ == GitRefType.BRANCH, driver.targets)),
"current": rev,
# ...
# ...
# ...
Contributions of all kinds are welcome. That explicitely includes suggestions for enhancing the API, the architecture or the documentation of the project. PRs are greatly appreciated as well. But please make sure that your change is wanted by opening an issue about it first before you waste your time with a PR that isn't merged in the end.
By contributing you affirm the Developer Certificate of Origin and license your work under the terms of this repository.
MIT License
See the LICENSE file which should be located in this directory.