yarn add react-native-masonry-scrollview
# or
npm i react-native-masonry-scrollview
The Masonry ScrollView splits the content of the ScrollView
into multiple columns or rows (depending on horizontal or vertical scroll) and renders the items into the individual column's View
component. This component is built to extend the existing ScrollView
component hence all the properties of the ScrollView
will work with it and it can render any component supplied to it as children.
import React from "react";
import { View, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import RNMasonryScroll from "react-native-masonry-scrollview";
const Box = () => <View style={styles.box} />;
const App = () => (
* Masonry ScrollView only expects children as a list
<Box key={0} />,
<Box key={1} />,
<Box key={2} />,
<Box key={3} />,
<Box key={4} />,
<Box key={5} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
box: {
height: 50,
width: 50,
backgroundColor: "red",
margin: 16
export default App;
Refer the example expo app in RNMasonryExample/
directory of this repo 👍
Children of the Masonry ScrollView component should always be an array of React Nodes.
Number of columns to split the Masonry
Style applied to the View
component that is wrapping your components inside the Masonry ScrollView.
Style applied only to the n-th odd columns of the Masonry ScrollView. If you have 3 columns, this style will be applied to columns 1 & 3.
Style applied only to the n-th even columns of the Masonry ScrollView. If you have 3 columns, this style will be applied to column 2.
Control if the masonry is horizontal or vertical
All the existing ScrollView Props are supported by this component since it simply extends the actual ScrollView.
The example app is built with expo, you can run the app following the official expo docs.
MIT © DaniAkash