Based heavily on josean's setup and typecraft's playlist
leader: space source: leader + s + o navigate panes: ctrl + kjhl clear search: leader + h
leader + s + ...
- open: | or -
- make equal: e
- close: leader x
- next:
- previous: (disabled)
from Comment.nvim
- selected in visual mode: gc or gb
- line: gcc or gbc
- tree (neo-tree): (e for explorer)
- find (telescope): (same as VS Code)
- grep (telescope): leader + fg
- trigger lint: leader + l
- trouble diagnostics: leader + xx
- autocomplete: nvim-cmp uses various sources including nvim_lsp
- auto pairs: nvim-autopairs
- bufferline (top bar): bufferline
- comments: comment
- copilot
- file open and grep: telescope
- file tree: neo-tree
- formatting: conform format on save
- git: gitsigns for git status in the gutter and lazygit for interactive git
- linting: nvim-lint on write and leaving insert
- lualine (bottom bar): lualine
- marked (markdown preview): marked.nvim
- syntax highlighting: treesitter
- nvim-lspconfig configurations for various language servers
- trouble shows all lsp diagnostics in a popup
- mason for managing lsp servers and formatters
- nvim-tmux-navigator navigate between nvim and tmux panes
- which-key displays key mappings after slight delay
Based heavily on josean's setup and typecraft's playlist
- leader: C-s
- source: leader + r
- select and yank with v and y
- splits: leader + | or -
- navigate panes: C + hjkl
- resize panes: leader + hjkl
- tpm plugin manager
- catppuccin theme
- vim-tmux-navigator navigate between nvim and tmux panes