71dc6c8 feat: add api to exchange oauth code for access token with slack
9c95dfd feat: add block type in slack message (#41)
df6fc83 feat: list all slack channels where messages can be sent via Siren (#39)
1bc391b feat: send slack notifications to authorized workspaces (#37)
62a4b51 feat: store access token in encrypted format
74f03c6 fix: don't auto-publish the release & rc tag
13664d5 refactor: add encryption example in config
f16646b refactor: change code exchange api route name
874e924 refactor: remove webhooks from alertmanager slack configs with http config (#43)
Docker images
docker pull docker.io/odpf/siren:0.2.0
docker pull docker.io/odpf/siren:v0.2.0-amd64