This project was completed as an assignment for The Odin Project JavaScript course.The aim of the assignment was to build a website utilizing Webpack and JavaScript ES6 Modules. I choose to style the website using Tailwind css just for practice.
- JavaScript
- ES6 Modules
- CSS3
- Tailwind css
- Webpack
You will need a web browser to view this project. No set up required. Works best on:
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
Deployed on GitHub Pages
Click on the above live demo link. You will see a green button labeled "Create a new project".
- Step 1. A form will appear. Type in the name of your new project and hit the enter key.
- Step 2. The project name will appear on the sidebar. Select the name to display it on the right.
- Step 3. Next to the "+" sign, type in your new task, then hit the enter key.
- Step 4. You can write in as many tasks as you'd like. Click the checkbox when task is complete.
- Step 5. To delete all completed tasks, click the "Delete Completed Tasks" button.
- Step 6. To delete a project, click the "Delete Project" button.
- Optional. To visit my Github page, click on the Github icon on the bottom of the page.
To do list lesson by Web Dev Simplified and Webpack for beginners lesson by freeCodeCamp
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
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