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Jaguarundi ORM

Simple SQLite ORM for Python. Requires Python 3.6+. Doesn't support multi-threading.

<Attention!> This module was made by mad-skilled student. Never use it in production. I said "NEVER". :) </Attention!>


Easy install

To install this script using pip:

pip install git+

Manual install

Download Jaguarundi ORM manually.


You need to have Python 3.6+ installed in your system.



You can configure Jaguarundi ORM in config.ini (must be in the same folder as your python script).

Config.ini Example


db_name = default.db
path_to_db = path/to/your/db/

print_sql_requests = True
control_foreign_keys = True

If config.ini does not exist, Jaguarundi ORM will use default settings.

db_name: Name of your database. Default: default.db
path_to_db: Absolute or relative path to your database. By default, Jaguarundi ORM operates with database in the same folder as your python script.
print_sql_requests: if True, script will print raw sql requests to console. Usable for debug. Default: False
control_foreign_keys: if True, prevents from adding records to db tables with foreign keys to non-existing records. Default: True

Jaguarundi ORM Model reference

To create your first model, import base classes:
from jaguarundi.models import Model, Field

To create model with fields:

class Author(Model):
    author_name = Field(field_type='VARCHAR', is_null=True) 

Model has default field "id". If you want, you can override it in your model:

id = Field(field_type='INTEGER', is_null=False,
            pk=True, auto_increment=True)

Foreign keys

Jaguarundi ORM supports foreign keys (connect by model id field only). To create a model with foreign key to model Author:

class Book(Model):
    book_name = Field(field_type='VARCHAR', is_null=True)
    author = Field(field_type='INT', is_null=True, foreign_key=Author)

Note: your models linked by foreign keys must have unique fields names!

Field parameters

field_type – must be in SQLite datatypes.
is_null – specify whether it can be Null. Default: False
pk – if True, field will be a primary key. Default: False
auto_increment – if True, field will get autoincrement. Default: False
foreign_key generates Foreign Key link to other model (by id field).

Supported commands

Create and destroy

YourModel.create_table() – creates table in db. If db does not exist, creates db. YourModel.create_table() – drops table.
YourModel.create(**params) – inserts record into table.

Author.create(author_name="Samuel Beckett")
Book.create(book_name="En attendant Godot", author=1)

Get from db

YourModel.get(**params) – returns an object from db, that corresponded to the passed parameters. If no object exist, returns None. If more than one records found, prints error. Parameter "only" can be used.

beckett = Author.get(author_name="Samuel Beckett")
{'id': 1, 'author_name': 'Samuel Beckett'}

YourModel.all(**params) – return list of all founded objects. Only parameter "only" can be used.

authors = Author.all()
[<__main__.Author object at 0x0000021196B78128>, ...]

YourModel.all(**params) – return list of objects, filered by params. If no objects exist, returns None. Parameter "only" can be used.

authors = Author.filer(author_name="Samuel Beckett")
[<__main__.Author object at 0x0000021196B78128>]

Note: if your model has foreign field to another model, you will get another model fields too (not recursive, only first generation of links). You can access to linked model fields by key <your_model_name>__<linked_model_name>. Example:

godot = Book.get(book_name="En attendant Godot")
{'author_name': 'Samuel Beckett', 'id': 1}

Only fields

If you want to get only necessary fields, use "only" parameter.

Note: If your model has foreign keys to another, "only" parameter will work only for your model fields!

beckett = Author.get(author_name="Samuel Beckett", only=['author_name'])
{'author_name': 'Samuel Beckett'}

Note: if you want to get, modify, and than save your object to database, always add "id" into "only" list.

Working with objects

After getting object ( .get() ) or list of objects ( .filter(), .all() ), you can work with them as with simple python objects. Example:

beckett.authors_name = "Knut Hamsun" – save object to database. Only existing columns will be rewrited.
object.update(**params) – update columns in database. Only existing columns will be rewrited. Object updates too. Example:

beckett.update(author_name="Franz Kafka")
Franz Kafka

kafka = Author.get(author_name="Franz Kafka")
Franz Kafka


  • Andrei Etmanov - Student of OTUS :)


This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the file for details


Simple SQLite ORM for Python 3.6+







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