This is an opinionated starter template for Nuxt 3. It is based on the what we use and love at Input Studio.
Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.
Don't worry, if you don't need something, you can remove it.
- 👓 Sass and Tailwind CSS
- ✨ Headless UI components
- 📱 Device detection module
- 🇬 Google Fonts module
- 🪛 Eslint and Prettier with Tailwind plugin
- ⚙️ VS Code settings and recommended extensions
Yeah, yarn is better than npm. But you can still use npm if you want.
# Create a new Nuxt 3 project using this starter template:
npx nuxi init -t gh:inputstudio/nuxt3-starter <project-name>
# Go to the project directory:
cd <project-name>
# Install the dependencies:
yarn install
# Start the development server:
yarn dev
# Build the application for production:
yarn build
# Preview production build:
yarn preview
Check out the deployment documentation for more information.