This is a Maven POM parser.
The parser works in 2 steps
Scanning - Give the location of the Maven Repo, we then scan and pick up all POM file file paths.
Reading - Once all the files are scanned, the program then goes back and pulls each file, creates a POM model object.
Outputs are written in cvs format. Please refer tp files section below.
This parser uses the following artifacts. At this stage I have manually configured them in the build file but plan to move to make dynamic.
- apache-commons-net.jar
- plexus-utils-3.0.15.jar
- utils4j-0.7.0.jar
- maven-model-3.1.1.jar
Class MainWalker - Used as the main file with configurations.
-scanlog : file used to store the file paths of each POM file
-repo : path of where the Maven repository resides
-outF : variable that stores the outputfile name.. (outputPOM.csv)
Class FileScan - Used for scanning files
Class PomParser - used for parsing the POM files.
--method printManagedModel - used to parse and extract dependencies of superPOM files (those with managed dependencies)
--method printDep used to parse and extract dependencies of normal dependencies.