Zion is a password manager being developed to be modern, cross platform, and secure with a backend written in Rust. currently the only frontend being developed for use is a webpage but eventually an android version will be released when the backend is stable.
First things first, if you aren't using Docker you need to setup a postgresql database
Any of the links below explain how to setup a postgresql database so pick your distribution (if yours isn't listed I prefer the Arch Docs)
You need to make sure you have a Rust toolchain installed
You also need to make sure you are using node 16, NVM (Node Version Manager) is the easiest way to do this.
install it and then run
nvm alias default 16
in order to test the project right now just run
make configure
make build
make run
going to LocalHost will now show the home page for Zion!
you can also run the test suite after configuring and building by running
make test
To run with docker first check that the docker service has been started
sudo systemctl start docker.service
Then you can run it with Docker Compose
if you want to run the test suite you can run
The provided config script installs NPM dependencies and performs database migrations. the .env file produced by it can also be modified to have the following variables
Variable | Description |
DATABASE_URL | Postgresql database url |
Test_DATABASE_URL | Postgresql test database url |
ADDR | Ipv4 Address to run server on |
This project is dual licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 license