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juergmessmer edited this page Sep 24, 2012 · 7 revisions

Templates and CSS

The Journal-Plugin provides you with a set of default templates that should do the job in most cases. However maybe you'd like to change some elements or classes of the templates or you even want to add additional functionalities.

Overwrite existing templates

In order to overwrite default templates

  • you need to create an identical directory structure in your site directory - as you find it in the journal plugin: modules/page_type/journal/templates/default/.
  • create a template with the same name of the default template and add the html code using the available identifers that are replaced by the template engine (just copy the existing one and replace the elements and classes).
  • if you want to change various templates you can also make a skin by creating a directory in the same location called your_skin_name and add all the templates to be replaced to this directory. In order to take effect you need to select this your_skin_name in the Templates (Skin)-dropdown of the journal page configuration.

Add functionalities to the template

Example: if you want to add share_buttons for social media like twitter, facebook or whatever, then you simple

  • copy e.g. the default template full_entry.tmpl into your local site journal plugin directory
  • add all the required elements and code that are defined by these vendors
  • save the template and clear the caches

Now you reload the journal page and you see the added functionalities taking effect.

Journal entries & comments