Slang is a javascript library used to get the natural representation of a program from theoretical L
(or S
) language, from Martin Davis' Computability, Complexity and Languages.
Just run npm install
to install every dependency. We depend mostly on gulp
, babel
, and mocha
To compile and use it, just run npm start
from the terminal.
To run the tests, just run npm test
from the terminal.
Try it online on For further understanding, keep reading the theory.
To encode an instruction we use a (bijective) pairing function (Mapping from N^2 --> N) with the form <x,y> = 2^x(2y+1)-1
We divide the syntax in 3 disjoint groups and generate the code for an instruction using <a,<b,c>>
Starting in 0, the labels are [A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, A2, ...]
. They are optional in a given line.
Starting in 0, the possible operations inside the S
languague are
Does nothingV++
Increments the variable V in 1V--
Decrements the variable V in 1V?#L
If V is not zero, go to label L
Starting in 0, tha variables are Y, X1, Z1, X2, Z2, X3, Z3, ...
. Being Y
the outuput variable. the X
s the input variables and the Z
s the auxiliary variables.
We encode programs using Gödel numbering. So a program is finally encoded as [#I1, #I2, #I3, ...] - 1
being #Ij
the code for the jth
instruction, and []
the syntax using for the given Gödel number.
Program Class: Represents the program by holding an array of Instructions
static fromCode: returns a Program from a given program code.
static fromString: returns a Program from a valid S language program string.
getString: returns the Program's string representation.
getCode(Program.codeModes): returns the code for the given Program.
equals: returns true or false, depending on the equality between Programs.
static codeModes = {
GODEL: represent a Gödel formed program string => [..] - 1,
NUMBER: represent the program code as a Number => 31,
PRIMES: represent a prime formed program string => 2^.. - 1
Instruction Class: Represents an instruction, with its encoding representation.
static fromString: returns an Instruction from a valid S language instruction string.
static fromCode: returns an Instruction from a valid instruction code.
getCode: returns the code for an Instruction
getString: returns a valid S language instruction string from a given Instruction.
equals: returns true or false, depending on the equality between Instructions.
toString: returns a String representation from the instruction using the Pairing Function syntax.
Every encoding step can be proved, showing that exists a bijectivity between natural numbers and the S
language programs. Further proving, that there are functions which can not be computed.