# On linux systems:
./rdo init default
# On non-linux systems:
./rdo init machine
./rdo bash
Initialize the environment and start a custom bash session.
All commands assume you are working within the custom bash session.
rdo git clone
Clones the git repositories.
# This will fail when attempting to build libtorrent due to missing autoconf scripts.
rdo build all
docker run --rm -it --mount "type=bind,source=${PWD}/data,target=/data/" rdo/build/rtorrent/compiler:alpine-3 /bin/bash
While in the docker container, run the following:
cd /data/libtorrent
aclocal -I scripts
autoconf -i
automake --add-missing
cd /data/rtorrent
aclocal -I scripts
autoconf -i
automake --add-missing
rdo build all
rdo batch tests/ci-all
make maintainer-clean
autoreconf --force --install