Progress and goals achieved [w.r.t BlChain_dev]
Next action plan:
- Make notes on the below topics and add it to the notes file:
- What is a blockchain?
- Pointers and memory management
- Decentralization and distributed systems
- W.R.T blockchain making notes on linked-lists and pointers, so check the resources for the same in the starred repos
- decide a small and simple project for initializing of blockchain development project 1: Basic Blockchain implementation Create a simple blockchain that stores data in blocks. Each block should contain: index,timestamps,data,previous block's hash,current block's hash outcome: understand how blocks are linked together using hashes tools: use c++ libraries like <openssl/sha.h> for hashing
Learn the Basics of C++
- Data types, variables, and operators (getting covered through other modules)
- Control structures (if-else, loops)
- Functions and classes (getting covered through other modules)
- Pointers and memory management (getting covered through other modules)
- File handling (getting covered through other modules)
- STL (Standard Template Library) (getting covered through other modules)
Understand Blockchain Fundamentals
- What is a blockchain?
- Decentralization and distributed systems
- Cryptography basics (hashing, digital signatures)
- Consensus algorithms (Proof of Work, Proof of Stake)
- Smart contracts and tokens