With further updates - This project is designed and developed with the help of -
- Udemy course (OmPrakash Chavan - Appium Mobile Automation - Android & iOS + Frameworks + CICD)
- YouTube playlist (Testing Mini Bytes)
- Parallel testing (Multiple devices - Android and iOS) (Real devices and Emulator/Simulator)
- Application used: https://github.com/saucelabs/sample-app-mobile/releases (V2.7.1)
- ExtentReports V5.0.9
- User has options for customization
- Email to User(s) using Java mail API
- Retry failed test cases
- Custom Enums, Exceptions, Annotations
- Zip the ExtentReports directory into Project path (you can send this Zip file as well as an Attachment in Email)
- Automatically open the report after tests execution.
- Start and Stop Appium Server programmatically
- Videos for Failed test cases
- Pass Test Data from JSON file
- Pass Expected Data from XML file
- Send EMail using Java mail API to User(s) with attachment(s).
- Jenkins job setup
- Send EMail using Jenkins to User(s) with attachment(s).
ExtentReports V5.0.9
- User can apply the Filters -
- DeviceType - Pixel 3, Pixel 3A, Pixel 4
- Author - Rajat, Nishant, Gautam, Pankaj
- TestType - Smoke, Sanity, Regression, BVT
Send EMail using Java mail API to User(s) with attachment(s)
- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javax.mail/mail/1.4.7
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_sending_email.htm
- Gmail -> Manage your Google account:
- Security -> Turn on : Less Secure App access:
How to run the Project from Local machine
- Pull the code into your machine and import in IDE (Eclipse/intelliJ).
- Go to testng.xml -> Run this file as TestNG suite (you should have done the setup for Appium) It should start the execution -> Parallel Testing.
**NOTE: **
692/138760107-8fb49a24-7b81-4236-82a8-9eabbed8203b.png)How to run the Project from Jenkins

Email to User(s) using Jenkins: