Modular, OOP - Hack & slash game made with Unity.
Architectured with ScriptableObjects
(A work-in-progress screenshoot)
Please welcome its members:
- Aldi (my friend)
- Aldi (my friend's friend)
- Aldi (me)
- Nabilah (CEO)
- Rakha (Angel Investor)
2D Artist:
- Adiva (Main Menu 2D Artist)
- Daru (Main Menu 2D Artist)
- Unity 2020.1.6f1 or higher.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Open the root project folder in Unity
- Go to "Main Menu" Scene.
- Press play button
Want to see the code documentation? Head out to wiki page.
Just want to play the game? Head out to the release page and grab the latest version.
- 'W, A, S, D': Move the player.
- '1': Use first skill: Strike.
- '2': Use second skill: Summon magic shinning arrow.
- 'Left-Shift': Dodge.
- 'L': Interact with NPC.
- 'K': Advance dialogue.
- 'U' & 'A': Rotate the camera.
- All rights reserverd to their respective owners.
- You must have a license to use the Assets in Assets/Assets folder. You can get the license here. (We get it all for free).
- There are placeholder assets tagged with "placeholder_" at the start of their name. Please don't use or redistribute those assets.
- State Machine, Event Channel from Unity Open Project #1:
- DOTween: