The String Calculator is a Ruby utility that performs addition on a string of numbers. This project demonstrates the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) by implementing and refining the calculator through various test cases.
Input: ""
Output: 0
Description: Returns 0 for an empty string.
Input: "1"
Output: 1
Description: Returns the single number itself.
Input: "1,5"
Output: 6
Description: Returns the sum of the two numbers.
Input: "1\n2,3"
Output: 6
Description: Handles new lines as well as commas for separating numbers.
Input: "//;\n1;2"
Output: 3
Description: Allows custom delimiters specified at the beginning of the string.
Input: "1,-2"
Output: Throws an exception: negative numbers not allowed -2
Description: Throws an exception if negative numbers are present, listing all negatives.
Input: "2,1001"
Output: 2
Description: Ignores numbers greater than 1000.
Method: get_called_count
Description: Returns the number of times the add method was invoked.
- Ensure Ruby is Installed:
You need Ruby installed on your system to run the String Calculator. You can check if Ruby is installed by running:
ruby -v
If Ruby is not installed, you can download and install it from
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate into the project directory:
cd string-calculator
- Run the Tests:
ruby string_calculator_test.rb