To run the program, follow these steps from your terminal:
Enter Root Mode:
- Switch to root mode by running:
$ sudo su -
- Then enter your password.
- Switch to root mode by running:
Change Directory:
- Navigate to the directory where the program files are stored:
$ cd ~/command-line-packet-sniffer
- Navigate to the directory where the program files are stored:
Run the Python File:
- Execute the main program file:
$ python
- Execute the main program file:
Choose an Option:
- After running the script, you will see a menu of options:
Options: 1. Capture packets and analyze it
- Selecting option '1' will prompt you to enter the number of packets you want to capture or analyze. The capturing will then start.
- If you choose option '1', it will provide another list of options after capturing data:
Options: 1. Print details of packets 0. Exit
- Selecting option '1' here will present further choices:
Options: 1. Print details of all packets 2. Print details of a specific packet 3. Print details of all packets in range 0. Exit from option '1'
- Selecting option '1' here will present further choices:
- After running the script, you will see a menu of options:
1. It can handle this protocols:
Data Link Layer: Ethernet
Network Layer: IPV4 [It can identify all the protocols given here but it can only give information of IPV4 protocol]
Transport Layer: TCP,UDP,ICMP [It can identify all the protocols given here but it can only give information of TCP, UDP, ICMP protocol]
2. It can print almost all the information of an packet.
1. It contains a11 source files.
2. Python File: : It contains the main function where the program starts from. : It contains PacketSniffer (Captures packets) and Packet (Every packet works as Packet object instances) object class. : It contains MessageBox object class which handles all display messages related tasks. : It contains commonly used basic function tools : It contains Data Link Layer protocol object classes (Ethernet) : It contains Network Layer protocol object classes (IPv4) : It contains Transport Layer protocol object classes (TCP, UDP, ICMP)
3. Executable File:
1. Operating System : Ubuntu, Linux
2. Platform : Python
3. Libraries/Modules: socket, sys, struct [all of these are built in modules of python]
4. Internet connection or Lan connection.