- Noida, India
- http://winkjs.org/
- @r4chn4
wink-nlp Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-nlp✨ Natural Language Processing
wink-ner Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-nerLanguage agnostic named entity recognizer
wink-pos-tagger Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-pos-taggerEnglish Part-of-speech (POS) tagger
wink-sentiment Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-sentimentAccurate and fast sentiment scoring of phrases with emoticons :) & emojis 🎉
wink-distance Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-distanceDistance functions for Bag of Words, Strings, Vectors and more.
wink-regression-tree Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-regression-treeDecision Tree to predict the value of a continuous target variable
wink-statistics Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-statisticsFast and Numerically Stable Statistical Analysis Utilities
wink-bm25-text-search Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-bm25-text-searchFast Full Text Search based on BM25
wink-helpers Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-helpersHelper functions for Javascript arrays and objects
wink-jaro-distance Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-jaro-distanceAn Implementation of Jaro Distance Algorithm by Matthew A. Jaro
wink-naive-bayes-text-classifier Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-naive-bayes-text-classifierConfigurable Naive Bayes Classifier for text with cross-validation support
wink-nlp-utils Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-nlp-utilsNatural Language Processing Utilities that let you tokenize, stem, phonetize, create ngrams, bag of words and more.
wink-porter2-stemmer Public
Forked from winkjs/wink-porter2-stemmerJavascript Implementation of Porter Stemmer Algorithm V2 by Dr Martin F Porter
wink-utils Public
Forked from prtksxna/wink-utilsStatistical, Text Mining, and Machine Learning Utilities