Format all .xml and .rels files located inside a folder using .bat ore exe file.
I have used xmllint to format xml files.
xmllint usage
xmllint --format "inputFilePath" --output "outputFilePath"
for more options see
xmllint --help
For ease: you can download the .exe file and add it to system path, then you can directly use
formatt "Folder name" "Folder Name"
Note: you can format multiple folders.
You will have to clone this repo and put the path of this repo in system variable, then to format use
format.bat "Folder Name"
it is possible to directly run script commands using shortcut using AutoHotKey. I have used it to create shortcut for extract + format and archive to zip file.
You will need 7z installed and in system path. formatt.bat in system path xmllint in system path.
To extract and format selected archive(.zip, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx ) and so on
Ctrl + Shift + E
To zip selected files
For extension as .docx
, .xlsx
, .zip
, .pptx
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Note: The .docx, .xlsx, .pptx,
are created if one of the selected folder is word, xl, ppt
respectively and .zip
for rest of the cases.
To simply create archive for selected files, Use:
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Note: Destination of archive or extract will be the current folder and name of zip will be the name of its parent directory.
If it already exists, then version(v) followed by number is created.
For ex: if Inside test folder, is already there then will be created and if also exists then will be created and so on.
- Install 7zip and add it to path.
- Download extractFormatZip.7z from here, extract and add main folder to path.
- Run zipExtractFormat.exe located inside the extracted path and run it to enable shortcuts.