Pytorch networks used by r-pad.
Excludes pytorch-geometric-based networks, (which can be found in r-pad/pyg_libs).
List of networks implemented: *
All of the following should be done inside your venv or conda environment.
Strongly recommend using a conda env, because it makes installing flash attention MUCH easier.
Choose a CUDA version you'll want to use! Should be compatible with everything... CUDA 12.4 is good, but so is 11.8.
Install CUDA toolkit inside your conda env, so that nvcc is available. For instance:
conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-12.4.0" cuda-toolkit
Choose a torch version (including GPU) and install it. See here for instructions. For instance:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Install an appropriate torch_scatter version. See here For instance:
pip install torch_scatter -f
Install spconv.
# spconv (SparseUNet) # refer pip install spconv-cu124 # choose version match your local cuda version
Install flash_attention.
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
If you want to use the architecutres as-is (or their building blocks), you can just do the following:
export NETS_MODULE=diptv3
pip install 'git+[$NETS_MODULE]@main'
You can replace main
with a specific branch or tag.
If you want to be able to modify the code, but don't want to contribute back, you can do the following:
export NETS_MODULE=diptv3
git clone
cd nets
pip install -e '.[$NETS_MODULE]'
You can then modify the code in $CODE_DIRECTORY/nets
and the changes will be reflected in your environment. And if you want to contribute back, you can create a branch and PR.