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onedrived is a client program for Microsoft OneDrive for Linux. It enables you to sync local directories with remote OneDrive repositories (a.k.a., "Drive") of one or more OneDrive Personal account (OneDrive for Business accounts are not yet supported. See #1).

The program is written in Python3, and uses official OneDrive Python SDK to communicate with OneDrive server, Keyring to securely store account credentials, and Linux inotify API to monitor file system changes.



To install onedrived, install all pre-requisite packages, make sure old versions of onedrived are uninstalled, and lastly install onedrived. Each of those steps will be addressed in following subsections.

The guide that follows will assume an environment with Python3 interpreter installed. To check the version of your Python3 interpreter, run command

$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.2

If python3 command is not found, or its version is below 3.3, please install the latest python3 package. For example, on Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install python3

It's strongly suggested that you use the latest PIP to manage Python package dependencies. To get the latest pip from source, run command

# Download pip installation script from official site using wget.
$ wget -O- | sudo python3
# Upgrade the components (e.g., setuptools) to latest version.
$ sudo pip3 install -U pip setuptools


The use of low-level tools and APIs like inotify and keyring introduces low-level dependencies that need to be installed manually. On Ubuntu the following packages are needed:

  • gcc
  • python3-dev
  • libssl-dev
  • inotify-tools
  • python3-dbus (or probably libdbus-glib-1-dev)

On other distros like Fedora, names of those packages may vary.

Note that keyring, which provides secure local storage for OneDrive credentials (the leak of which may result in total compromise of your OneDrive data), may require additional packages (for example, D-Bus or FreeDesktop Secret Service) depending on your Linux distro and desktop manager. Please refer to its installation instructions for more details. If your environment requires keyring.alt package, make sure to use the latest version (sudo pip3 install -U keyrings.alt).

To install those dependencies on Ubuntu, use apt-get command:

# Install gcc and other C-level pre-requisites.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev libssl-dev inotify-tools python3-dbus

Python-level pre-requisites are listed in requirements.txt and will be installed automatically when installing onedrived.

Uninstall older onedrived

If you have old versions of onedrived (also named onedrive-d in the past) in system, please uninstall them before proceeding. The packages can be easily removed with pip.

# Remove Python packages of older onedrive-d.
$ sudo pip3 uninstall onedrive_d onedrived

# Remove useless config files.
$ rm -rf ~/.onedrive ~/.onedrived

Install onedrived

You can either install onedrived by pip3 or pull the code and install manually. Note that you may want to check out this repository regularly to have the latest version installed, and run the included tests to see whether onedrived can actually run on your setup.

Install from PyPI with pip

onedrived is not yet available on PyPI.

Install from source with pip (recommended)

To install latest onedrived from source with pip3, run the command below.


  1. git must be installed on the system.
  2. To install onedrived system-wide (that is, make onedrived program available to all users in the OS), remove argument --user from the command).
$ pip3 install --user git+

Install from source manually

First pull the code from GitHub repository:

$ git clone
$ cd onedrived-dev

You may want to run the included tests before installing with one of the following commands:

# Use the built-in test driver of Python.
$ python3 ./ test

# Or use py.test if you have it installed.
$ python3 -m pytest

Then install onedrived with one of the following command:

# Use pip to install onedrived.
$ pip3 install -e .

# Or use the built-in setuptools package from Python.
$ python3 ./ install --user


onedrived exposes two commands -- onedrived and onedrived-pref. The former is the "synchronizer" and the latter is the "configurator". If you want to run it directly in code repository without installing the package, in the following example commands replace onedrived with python3 -m onedrived.od_main and replace onedrived-pref with python3 -m onedrived.od_pref.

Configure onedrived

Before running onedrived for the first time, or whenever you need to change the configurations, you will need to use onedrived-pref command. The subsections that follow introduces the basic usage scenarios. For more usage scenarios, refer to "More Usages" section.

To read the complete usage of onedrived-pref, use argument --help:

$ onedrived-pref --help

  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  account  Add new OneDrive account to onedrived, list all existing ones, or
           remove some.
  config   Modify config (e.g., proxies, intervals) for current user.
  drive    List all remote OneDrive repositories (Drives) of linked accounts,
           add new Drives to sync, edit configurations of existing Drives, or
           remove a Drive from local list.

Authorizing accounts

Operations related to configuring accounts can be listed by command onedrived-pref account

$ onedrived-pref account --help
Usage: account [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  add   Add a new OneDrive account to onedrived.
  del   De-authorize and delete an existing account from onedrived.
  list  List all linked accounts.

To add an OneDrive account to onedrived, you will need command onedrived-pref account add. Help message for this command is as follows:

$ onedrived-pref account add --help
Usage: account add [OPTIONS]

  -u, --get-auth-url  If set, print the authentication URL and exit.
  -c, --code TEXT     Skip interactions and try authenticating with the code
  -b, --for-business  If set, add an OneDrive for Business account.
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

More specifically, the CLI offers two modes to add an account -- interactive mode, in which the CLI guides you step by step, and command mode, in which you provide the information from command line arguments.

Interactive mode

In interactive mode, the program will provide you with an URL to visit. Open this URL with a web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox), sign in with your Microsoft Account and authorize onedrived to access your OneDrive data. The web page will eventually land to a blank page whose URL starts with "". Paste this URL (a.k.a., callback URL) back to the program.

Note that onedrived needs your basic account information (e.g., email address) to distinguish different accounts (otherwise OneDrive returns "tokens" from which you cannot tell which account they stand for).

$ onedrived-pref account add

NOTE: To better manage your OneDrive accounts, onedrived needs permission to access your account info (e.g., email
address to distinguish different accounts) and read/write your OneDrive files.

Paste this URL into your browser to sign in and authorize onedrived:

The authentication web page will finish with a blank page whose URL starts with
"". Paste this URL here.
Paste URL here:<some_code_here>&lc=1033

Successfully authorized onedrived.
Successfully added account for Xiangyu Bu ([email protected], <account_id_token>)!

All OneDrive accounts associated with user "xb":

  #  Account ID          Owner Name    Email Address
---  ------------------  ------------  ---------------
  0  <account_id_token>  Xiangyu Bu    [email protected]
Command mode

Instead of giving the sign-in URL and then prompting for the callback URL, use the following command to get the sign-in URL:

$ onedrived-pref account add --get-auth-url
NOTE: To better manage your OneDrive accounts, onedrived needs permission to access your account info (e.g., email
address to distinguish different accounts) and read/write your OneDrive files.

Paste this URL into your browser to sign in and authorize onedrived:

Visit the URL and do the same steps as interactive mode until you get the blank page. Copy the URL and copy the code parameter from the URL. For example, in URL<some_code_here>&lc=1033, find the part ?code=<some_code_here>& and the code is the part <some_code_here>.

Use command onedrived-pref account add --code <some_code_here>, where <some_code_here> is the code, to add your account.

Adding Drives to onedrived

After you authorize onedrived to access your OneDrive data, you are now able to add Drives. Each OneDrive account has one or more Drive associated, and onedrived allows you to choose which Drive to sync. Similar to the step of authorizing onedrived, the CLI provides both interactive mode and command mode.

Interactive mode

$ onedrived-pref drive set
Reading drives information from OneDrive server...

All available Drives of authorized accounts:

  #  Account Email    Drive ID          Type      Quota                        Status
---  ---------------  ----------------  --------  ---------------------------  --------
  0  <some_email>     <some_drive_id>   personal  5.3 GB Used / 33.0 GB Total  active

Please enter row number of the Drive to add or modify (CTRL+C to abort): 0

Going to add/edit Drive "<some_drive_id>" of account "<some_email>"...
Enter the directory path to sync with this Drive [/home/xb/OneDrive]:  
Syncing with directory "/home/xb/OneDrive"? [y/N]: y
Enter the path to ignore file for this Drive [/home/xb/.config/onedrived/ignore_v2.txt]: 

Successfully configured Drive <some_drive_id> of account <some_email> (<some_user_id>):
  Local directory: /home/xb/OneDrive
  Ignore file path: /home/xb/.config/onedrived/ignore_v2.txt

If you have more than one account authorized, all drives of all authorized accounts will appear in the table.

Command mode

Please find the available command-line arguments from help message using command onedrived-pref drive set --help.

Set up webhook

Webhook explained

For now, refer to issue #19. More details TBA.

Using ngrok-based webhook

Download and install ngrok.

By default, onedrived will look for ngrok binary from PATH. To specify path to the binary manually, set up environment variable NGROK when running onedrived. For example, NGROK=~/utils/ngrok onedrived start --debug.

To use a custom config file for ngrok, set environment variable NGROK_CONFIG_FILE to path of your desired config file. Note that onedrived will create a HTTPS tunnel automatically and there is no need to specify tunnels. The purpose of using a custom ngrok config file should be to adjust resource usage, or link ngrok process with your paid ngrok account. The default ngrok config file shipped with onedrived turns off terminal output of ngrok and disables inspection database.

Using direct connection

TBA. Not applicable to most end-user machines.

Run onedrived in debug mode

Use argument --debug so that onedrived runs in debug mode, using debug-level log verbosity and printing log to stderr.

onedrived start --debug

To stop onedrived process which is running in debug mode, send SIGINT to the process or hitting CTRL+C if it runs in a terminal.

Run onedrived as daemon

It's suggested that you set up a log file before running in daemon mode:

$ onedrived-pref config set logfile_path PATH_TO_SOME_WRITABLE_FILE

To start the program as daemon,

onedrived start

To stop the daemon,

onedrived stop

or send SIGTERM to the process.

More Usages

Run onedrived with proxies

onedrived follows behavior of standard Python library function getproxies() to read proxies information from the OS. That is, run the command with environment variable HTTP_PROXY (or http_proxy) to set up a HTTP proxy, and variable HTTPS_PROXY (or https_proxy) to set up a HTTPS proxy. For example,

$ HTTPS_PROXY=https://user:pass@host:port/some_path onedrived start --debug

A HTTPS proxy must have a verifiable SSL certificate.

List all authorized OneDrive accounts

Remove an authorized account

List all remote Drives

Edit configuration of an existing Drive

Edit ignore list (selective sync)

The ignore list follows the rules of .gitignore. For example to only sync /foo/bar add


The first line means to ignore everything but the lines starting with an !.

Remove a Drive from onedrived

Interactive mode
$ onedrived-pref drive del
Drives that have been set up:

 #0 - Drive "<some_drive_id_here>":
   Account:     <some_account_email> (<some_user_id_here>)
   Local root:  /home/xb/OneDrive
   Ignore file: /home/xb/.config/onedrived/ignore_v2.txt

Please enter the # number of the Drive to delete (CTRL+C to abort): 0
Continue to delete Drive "<some_drive_id_here>" (its local directory will NOT be deleted)? [y/N]: y
Successfully deleted Drive "<some_drive_id_here>" from onedrived.
Command mode

The command-mode equivalent is:

onedrived-pref drive del --drive-id <some_drive_id_here> [--yes]

If argument --yes is used, the specified Drive, if already added, will be deleted without confirmation.

Adjusting parameters of onedrived

Check latest version of onedrived


Use pip3 to uninstall onedrived from system:

$ pip3 uninstall onedrived

If --user argument was not used when installing (that is, onedrived was installed as a system-level package), you will need root permission to run the command above.


MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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