A dogecoin themed Pac-Man clone.
You can run this from just opening the index.html file in a web browser. However, if your web browser is Google Chrome, you will have a problem as soon as you pick up the Super Doge Coins. Google Chrome doesn't ever allow access to image data that is coming from the file:// protocol, even when the Javascript making the requests lives on the same protocol. As such, you'll have to fire it off in a web server of some kind. The simplest way to do this is via Python's SimpleHTTPServer. # cd PacDoge # python -m SimpleHTTPServer Serving HTTP on port 8000 ... Now you just have to navigate your browser over to http://localhost:8000/ to play the game.
Firefox works by just opening the index.html in the browser.
Use the arrow keys to move arround. You can block yourself against a wall, so take care that you don't hit the key too soon before your turn.