IndexedRDD extends RDD[(K, V)] and pre-indexes the entries, imposing unique keys to facilitate efficient point lookups, updates and deletion. It:
- hash-partitions the entries based on the keys
- supports only long keys
- follows a dictionary structure within each partition
Since, Python IndexedRDD isn't published as a package, download the folder to a location of your choice, and run the inside.
For example:
wget -O
unzip -q
cd python-indexedrdd-master/
python clean build install
# You're good to go!
Once installed you can use Python IndexedRDD as follows:
from indexedrdd import IndexedRDD
from pyspark import SparkContext
def main():
sc = SparkContext("local", "IndexedRDD App")
#Create an RDD of key-value pairs with Long keys
initRdd = sc.parallelize(range(10000001),5).map(lambda x: (long(x), x*x))
indexedRDD1 = IndexedRDD(initRdd).cache()
#Get the value corresponding to a key: [1000000]
print indexedRDD1.get(1000000)
print "Default value!!!"
#Update an existing value
putRDD = indexedRDD1.put((1000000,1000001)).cache()
print putRDD.get(1000000)
#Efficiently join derived IndexedRDD with original.
indexedRDD2 = putRDD.join(indexedRDD1,lambda (id,(a,b)):(id,(a,b)))
print indexedRDD2.get(1000000)
#Perform insertions and deletions.
indexedRDD3 = indexedRDD2.put(10000001, 111).delete(0).cache()
print indexedRDD3.get(0)
print indexedRDD3.get(10000001)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- amplab/spark-indexedrdd: This package is developed in Scala and served as an essential resource.