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[COURSE] "Nest.js Series".

Section 1 - Intro.

What is Nest.js?

It's a server apps framework oriented to scalability and efficiency. Developed over TypeScript support too VanillaJs. Combine elements of OOP, Functional Programming and Reactive Programming.

What trouble it resolve?

Nest gives a scaffolding for a backend project based on Angular modular pattern.

alt text

Section 2 - Hello world.

Nest scafold.

file or folder
./dist Transpiled files of our project.
./src All our code.
./test e2e tests for our app and config for it.
./.prettierrc Base config of prettier recommended by Nest.
./nest-cli.json Nest CLI config file.
./ options for TypeScript transpilation.

Case types:

Camel case: thisIsACamelCasedString
Pascal case: ThisIsAPascalCasedString
Snake case: finaly_this_is_snake_cased_string