Deployment and infrastructure management
The file docker-swarm.yml is used for the docker swarm The folder nginx is a demo for a image of a reverse proxy with nginx
- Docker swarm Log your infrastructure and your containers (portainer,...) Run your ssh/administration on a private network (with bastion + vpn) AppArmor/ SELinux,failtoban, iptable, waf Check your SLA, IT Disastery Recovery process Vulnerability assessment and management (VAM) Identity and Access Management
Export the variables/secret in your env file (if you don't have a Vault)
If needed build your images (for exemple the mynginx image in the folder nginx) and push it in the local registry
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2 #start the local registry
docker build -t pyro/mynginx .
docker image tag pyro/mynginx localhost:5000/mynginx
docker push localhost:5000/mynginx:latest
docker pull localhost:5000/mynginx
and after deploy your docker swarm
docker stack deploy -c docker-swarm.yml my_node
You can check that the service is running with
docker service ls
docker ps
docker service logs xxxxxx