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Front Controller PHP Example - Music Player

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Demo project that show how easy you could implement Front Controller pattern and create your own micro framework for API.

Current project imitating music player with music search provided by Spotify API.

Technical Decisions

I decided to implement Front Controller pattern to encapsulate the typical Request -> Route -> Dispatch -> Response cycles.

I believe I can call it simple API CRUD micro framework for creating small services on PHP.

Music player application divided on two part:

  • The Frontend (frontend) application (AngularJS and Bootstrap);
  • API Server (backend) with my custom micro service written on PHP.

In this way we can talk about handling serious load, by providing multiple frontend and backend servers with load balance (HTTP cache servers and another middleware) in between.

Since data storage in this case was not really important I chose SQLite, for the production application of course it should be changed to something more serious. In name of not using existing libraries, I used standard PHP PDO.

PDO driver with connection to the SQLight injects through constructor to DB service, I believe you can provide different data source if needed, important to use PDO driver in this case. Also I provided abstraction Entity layer that provides interface to communicate with PDO driver. I used common SQL syntactics, so it should be possible to inject for example PDO driver with connection to MySQL database without changing Entity layer. If needed another storage with totally different interface for example, you exchange DB service and Entity layer.

For the key-value storage for caching I chose Redis, since compare to analogs, in Redis if needed you can configure data persistence with different options (also you can scale it). For work with Redis from the PHP I chose library Predis - it is only one external library used for the whole application (if not count tests).

Additionally to the Front Controller I implemented Dependency Injection Container with Services (Service Container). Each Service is injectable and implement specific interface (so could be exchange with another object that implements the same interface) and initialized on demand (lazy loading). List of existing Services:

  • Cache - responsible for caching mechanics (currently using Redis);
  • Curl - responsible for cURL data (currently cURL wrapper);
  • DB - data storage (currently PDO);
  • SpotifyAPI - service that responsible for authentication with Spotify API server and provides interface for search functionality (also wraps search results in data object containers (containers)).

API Server Life Cycle

API Server life cycle represents by following sequence:

Request -> Route -> Dispatch -> Controller -> Model -> Entity -> Services (Storage, etc)

When Controller gets all needed data from the Model it generates Response to the client.

System Requirements

To run current API server you should have Redis installed and at least PHP v5.4 with SQLite, cURL and mcrypt (by default mcrypt in Mac OS X is not installed).

API Server Configuration

You can configure API server through configuration file at: config\config.php

Setup API Server

(Since in test task you asking to have all libraries out of the box (packed in archive), this step could be skipped)

Before running API server you need to install dependencies with Composer by using following command:

$ composer install

It will download all dependencies that needs for tests and create autoload file that API server uses as PSR-4 Autoloader.

Since in scope of the test task it was not recommended to use external libraries, so for API server I used only Redis client library, all another dependencies only for testing (to test API server).

Run API Server

In examples I will assume that API server runs on http://localhost:7070/. The server enter point (index.php) is located in folder server.


In nginx config important that server folder of current project specified as root and location set on index.php, something like this:

root /var/www/server;

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;


To run tests, you need that Composer downloaded all dependencies (see section Setup). You can run tests with following command:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

It will start server on http://localhost:7072 (you can configure host and port in phpunit.xml.dist file, to successfully run tests, port should be available) and run API tests. Unfortunately I did not mock Spotify API, so config phpunit.xml.dist will run tests without really testing Spotify search API.

To test search using real Spotify API, run test with config phpunit.xml.travis.dist:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.travis.dist

For tests I used PHPUnit and Guzzle HTTP client (for testing API).

Setup The Frontend

Before running Frontend you need to install dependencies with Bower by using following command:

$ bower install

It will download all dependencies and put them to public/components.

Web Server for The Frontend

Web server should look at public folder.

I run The Frontend together with API Server on the same host using nginx and the following configuration:

location /web {
    alias /path/to/folder/public;
location ~ (app|components|style) {
    root /path/to/folder/public;

In this way we avoid Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), so The Frontend will be accessible on the same host as API Server, for example at http://localhost:7070/web.

The Frontend is not configured to work with CORS, so if you want it, do it on your own risk.

So my nginx server config ended up looking like this (for The Frontend and API server):

    listen 7070;

    #some additional configurations like error log and etc

    root /path/to/folder/server;
    index index.php index.html;

    # API Server
    location / {
        index index.php;
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

        location ~ \.php$ {
            # fast cgi configurations

    # The Frontend
    location /web {
        alias /vagrant/shared/www/public;
    location ~ (app|components|style) {
        root /vagrant/shared/www/public;

So API server available on http://localhost:7070/ and The Frontend on http://localhost:7070/web.

The Frontend

The Frontend looks really simple and understandable, I believe. You have two tabs: Playlist - here you can manage your playlist; Search - where you perform search of tracks.

On page reload The Frontend will authorize you in API server as new user, so all your data from previous 'session' will be lost. It made in name of less manual work with registration and login, it fakes authorization, since The Frontend exists for testing purpose.

Please do not judge on how it looks like since it exists only for manual test purposes.

API Server

API Server covers goal of this test task:

  1. Perform track/artist/album searches;
  2. Maintain playlist:
  • CRUD (Create, Remove, Update, Delete);
  • Add/remove tracks.

API Server contain public API and private that requires authentication first.

You can use cURL to test API server.

API response in JSON format.

Supported request types:

  • application/json

If you will asked for another type, server will response with code 406.


You can configure version of your API at config\config.php.

Make sure that your requests contain correct version of API.

Default version is set to 1.

Public API


POST /api/v1/users/authentication

You can get authentication token for your communication with server's private API by querying following URL:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X POST http://localhost:7070/api/v1/users/authentication

You will get response status 201 - because this method will fake user creation and provide you with auth token for private API.

You should receive object with authentication token:

    "token": "TOKEN"

Be aware that this method brakes rule of idempotent since on each request it will generate new outcome. This method made only for test purposes. On real application I will implement normal user authentication.

Private API

For this part of API you need to have authentication toking provided by /api/v1/users/authentication. You should pass token in header with key token.


GET /api/v1/playlist

You can get list of all playlist available for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist -H token:{token} -d offset={offset.?}

Variable offset is optional for content pagination, by default is set to 0 and each page returns 20 rows of content. Variable offset should be positive integer equal or greater then 0, otherwise you would get 404 error. Response will contain additional block with key info that contains information for pagination. Limitation made for not overflow response header size.

You should receive object with pagination info and playlist:

    "playlist": [
            "id": "1",
            "user_id": "1",
            "name": "My First Playlist"
    "info": {
        "num_results": 1,
        "limit": 20,
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with list of available playlist;
  • Server will response with code 404 if optional variable offset specified and it not positive integer.
GET /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}

You can get information about specific playlist for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId} -H token:{token}

You should receive object with playlist:

    "playlist": {
        "id": "1",
        "user_id": "1",
        "name": "My First Playlist"
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with playlist;
  • If playlist not existing for authorized user server will response with code 404.
POST /api/v1/playlist

You can create new playlist for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist -H token:{token} -d "name={newPlaylistName}"

You should receive object with new playlist:

    "playlist": {
        "id": "2",
        "user_id": "1",
        "name": "My Second Playlist"
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 201 with playlist;
  • If you missed to post name variable server will response with code 400;
  • If you missed playlist with such name already exists server will response with code 400.
PUT /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}

You can update playlist name for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X PUT http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId} -H token:{token} -d "newName={newPlaylistName}"
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 204;
  • If you missed to put newName variable server will response with code 400;
  • If you missed playlist with such newName already exists server will response with code 400;
  • If you tried to update not yours playlist (not existing for authorized user) server will response with code 404.
DELETE /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}

You can delete playlist for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X DELETE -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId} -H token:{token}
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 204;
  • Duplication of response will rise 404, I know it is Holly War about idempotent in HTTP and DELETE;
  • If you tried to delete not yours playlist (not existing for authorized user) server will response with code 404.
GET /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs

You can get list of all songs assigned to specified playlist for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs -H token:{token} -d offset={offset.?}

Variable offset is optional for content pagination, by default is set to 0 and each page returns 20 rows of content. Variable offset should be positive integer equal or greater then 0, otherwise you would get 404 error. Response will contain additional block with key info that contains information for pagination. Limitation made for not overflow response header size.

You should receive object with pagination info and songs list:

    "songs": [
            "id": "1",
            "user_id": "1",
            "playlist_id": "1",
            "name": "Gimme Shelter",
            "album": "Let It Bleed",
            "artist": "The Rolling Stones"
    "info": {
        "num_results": 1,
        "limit": 20,
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with list of available songs;
  • If you tried to get songs from playlist that is not yours (not existing for authorized user) server will response with code 404;
  • Server will response with code 404 if optional variable offset specified and it not positive integer.
GET /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs/{songId}

You can get list of all songs assigned to specified playlist for current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs/{songId} -H token:{token}

You should receive object with song:

    "song": {
        "id": "1",
        "user_id": "1",
        "playlist_id": "1",
        "name": "Gimme Shelter",
        "album": "Let It Bleed",
        "artist": "The Rolling Stones"
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with list of available songs;
  • If you tried to get song from playlist that is not yours (not existing for authorized user) server will response with code 404;
  • If song is not exist server will response with code 404.
PUT /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs

You can add song to the existing playlist of current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X PUT http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs -H token:{token} -d "track={track}&artist={artist}&album={album}"

You should receive object with just added song:

    "song": {
        "id": "2",
        "user_id": "1",
        "playlist_id": "1",
        "name": "Get Off My Cloud",
        "album": "December's Children (And Everybody's)",
        "artist": "The Rolling Stones"
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 204;
  • If you tried to add song to not yours playlist (not existing for authorized user) server will response with code 404.
DELETE /api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs/{songId}

You can remove song from the existing playlist of current authorized user:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X DELETE -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/playlist/{playlistId}/songs/{songId} -H token:{token}
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 204;
  • Duplication of response will rise 404, I know it is Holly War about idempotent in HTTP and DELETE;
  • If you tried to delete song from not yours playlist (not existing for authorized user) server will response with code 404.


You can perform search in Spotify library. You can search by artist, album or track. Current API server provide API to do search using Spotify's search patterns (field filters). More information about search field filters possibility you can read at official Spotify Documentation.

For search it Spotify Web API, since mentioned in the task Spotify Metadata API is deprecated.

GET /api/v1/search/track

You can search by track:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/search/track?q={searchQuery} -H token:{token} -d offset={offset.?}

You should receive simplified version of response from Spotify search API, object will have pagination info and results list:

    "result": [
            "name": "Gimme Shelter",
            "album": {
                "name": "Let It Bleed"
            "artists": [
                    "name": "The Rolling Stones"
    "info": {
        "num_results": 1,
        "limit": 20,

Variable offset is optional for content pagination, by default is set to 0 and each page returns 20 rows of content. Variable offset should be positive integer equal or greater then 0, otherwise you would get 404 error. Response will contain additional block with key info that contains information for pagination. Limitation made for not overflow response header size.

  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with list of search results;
  • Server will response with code 404 if variable q not specified;
  • Server will response with code 404 if optional variable offset specified and it not positive integer.
GET /api/v1/search/album

You can search by album:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/search/album?q={searchQuery} -H token:{token} -d offset={offset.?}

Variable offset is optional for content pagination, by default is set to 0 and each page returns 20 rows of content. Variable offset should be positive integer equal or greater then 0, otherwise you would get 404 error. Response will contain additional block with key info that contains information for pagination. Limitation made for not overflow response header size.

You should receive simplified version of response from Spotify search API, object will have pagination info and results list:

    "result": [
            "name": "Let It Bleed"
            "name": "Kill Rock 'N' Roll (Let It Bleed)"
            "name": "Karaoke Masterclass Presents - Let It Bleed The Rolling Stones Karaoke Tribute"
    "info": {
        "num_results": 3,
        "limit": 20,
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with list of search results;
  • Server will response with code 404 if variable q not specified;
  • Server will response with code 404 if optional variable offset specified and it not positive integer.
GET /api/v1/search/artist

You can search by artist:

$ curl -i -H Accept:application/json -X GET -G http://localhost:7070/api/v1/search/artist?q={searchQuery} -H token:{token} -d offset={offset.?}

Variable offset is optional for content pagination, by default is set to 0 and each page returns 20 rows of content. Variable offset should be positive integer equal or greater then 0, otherwise you would get 404 error. Response will contain additional block with key info that contains information for pagination. Limitation made for not overflow response header size.

You should receive simplified version of response from Spotify search API, object will have pagination info and results list:

    "result": [
            "name": "The Rolling Stones"
            "name": "The Rolling Stones Tribute Band"
            "name": "Rhythms Del Mundo feat. The Rolling Stones"
    "info": {
        "num_results": 3,
        "limit": 20,
  • If everything is OK you should get response code 200 with list of search results;
  • Server will response with code 404 if variable q not specified;
  • Server will response with code 404 if optional variable offset specified and it not positive integer.


  • For Private API if parameter token is missing you will get response with code 401;
  • For Private API if parameter token is wrong, there are no authorized user in the system with provided token, you will get response with code 401;
  • For methods that are not in API, you will get response with code 404;
  • For all uncovered exceptions you will get response with code 500.


Copyright (C) 2014 Pavlo Voznenko.

Distributed under the MIT License.


Front Controller PHP Example - Music Player







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