Welcome to ProxiedMail API client. You're welcome to visit the docs.
đź”´ Authorization
đź”´ Callback receiver (creating callback urls, read callback payload)
đź”´ Proxy-emails CRUD (create, read, update, todo: delete)
composer require proxiedmail/php-client
If you want to run tests, make sure .env with credentials present. Copy command:
cp .env.dist .env
To run:
make test-run
Here in this example you can see how to receive sent email to your API. The program will print email address created to receive your email message.
PROXY-EMAIL: [email protected]
Webhook STATUS:
Received: no
Then, just send the email to the printed address. When app receive your message, it will print the following:
PROXY-EMAIL: [email protected]
Webhook STATUS:
Received: yes
"Content-Type":"multipart\/alternative; boundary=\"000000000000714564060f56f6c2\"",
"Date":"Sat, 20 Jan 2024 02:00:25 +0000",
"From":"Alex Yatsenko <[email protected]>",
"Received":"by mail-wm1-f44.google.com with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-40e9ffab5f2so10064475e9.1 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 19 Jan 2024 18:00:38 -0800 (PST)",
"Subject":"hey mate",
"To":"[email protected]",
"X-Envelope-From":"[email protected]",
"X-Received":"Received details",
"body-html":"<div dir=\"ltr\">hey hey<\/div>\r\n",
"body-plain":"hey hey\r\n",
"from":"Alex Alex <[email protected]>",
"message-headers":"HEADERS JSON....",
"recipient":"[email protected]",
"sender":"[email protected]",
"stripped-html":"<div dir=\"ltr\">hey hey<\/div>\n",
"stripped-text":"hey hey",
"subject":"hey mate",
"address":"[email protected]"
"receivedAt":"Sat Jan 20 2024 02:00:46 GMT+0000",
"username":"[email protected]",
"token":"Bearer ...."
The code to execute is the following
use ProxiedMail\Client\Config\Config;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Entities\ResponseEntity\OauthAccessTokenEntity;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Entrypoint\PxdMailApinitializer;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Facades\ApiFacade;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// put here your ProxiedMail credentials
$email = '[email protected]';
$pass = '1';
* @var ApiFacade $facade
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init();
* @var OauthAccessTokenEntity $r
$r = $facade->login($email, $pass);
//settings bearer token
$config = (new Config())->setBearerToken('Bearer ' . $r->getBearerToken());
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config);
//receiving API token by bearer token
$apiToken = $facade->getApiToken();
$config = new Config();
//setting API token
$api = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config);
$proxyEmail = $api->createProxyEmail(
// while (true) with 100 seconds limit
foreach(range(0, 180) as $non) {
echo "PROXY-EMAIL: " . $proxyEmail->getProxyAddress() . "\n";
echo "Time limit is 3 mins \n";
echo "Send the email to this proxy-email to get email payload printed here \n";
//checking webhook receiver
$receivedEmails = $api->getReceivedEmailsLinksByProxyEmailId($proxyEmail->getId())->getReceivedEmailLinks();
echo "Amount of received emails: " . count($receivedEmails) . "\n";
foreach ($receivedEmails as $receivedEmail) {
echo "Have received email: \n";
var_dump($receivedEmail); //you can also receive a payload here. Check out attributes
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
Or if you prefer webhook you can try to following:
use ProxiedMail\Client\Config\Config;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Entities\ResponseEntity\OauthAccessTokenEntity;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Entrypoint\PxdMailApinitializer;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Facades\ApiFacade;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// put here your ProxiedMail credentials
$email = 'example.com';
$pass = '1';
* @var ApiFacade $facade
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init();
* @var OauthAccessTokenEntity $r
$r = $facade->login($email, $pass);
//settings bearer token
$config = (new Config())->setBearerToken('Bearer ' . $r->getBearerToken());
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config);
//receiving API token by bearer token
$apiToken = $facade->getApiToken();
$config = new Config();
//setting API token
$api = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config);
$wh = $api->createWebhook(); //creating webhook-receiver
$proxyEmail = $api->createProxyEmail(
$wh->getCallUrl() //specifying webhook url
// while (true) with 100 seconds limit
foreach(range(0, 100) as $non) {
echo "PROXY-EMAIL: " . $proxyEmail->getProxyAddress() . "\n";
echo "Send the email to this proxy-email to get email payload printed here";
//checking webhook receiver
$whStatus = $api->statusWebhook($wh->getId());
echo "Webhook STATUS: \n";
echo "Received: " . ($whStatus->isReceived() ? 'yes' : 'no') . "\n"; //printing webhook status
//printing payload if received
if ($whStatus->isReceived()) {
echo json_encode($whStatus->getPayload());
echo "\n";
To run the example above just create folder, install lib there via composer and put it to the file (t.php), then run:
php t.php
use ProxiedMail\Client\Config\Config;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Entities\ResponseEntity\OauthAccessTokenEntity;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Entrypoint\PxdMailApinitializer;
use ProxiedMail\Client\Facades\ApiFacade;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$email = $this->envValue('TESTS_AUTH_EMAIL');
$pass = $this->envValue('TESTS_AUTH_PASSWORD');
* @var ApiFacade $facade
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init();
* @var OauthAccessTokenEntity $r
$r = $facade->login($email, $pass);
$config = (new Config())->setBearerToken('Bearer ' . $r->getBearerToken());
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config);
$apiToken = $facade->getApiToken();
$config = new Config();
$facade = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config)
//it's $facade from the end of previous example
$api = $this->getApiReady(); //let's imagine we have ApiFacade here
$wh = $api->createWebhook();
$status = $api->statusWebhook($wh->getId());
$status->isReceived(); // false
$status->getMethod(); //null
$status->getPayload(); //null
//make a post call to $wh->call_url
$url = $wh->getCallUrl();
$data = [
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2'
$options = [
'http' => [
'header' => "Content-type: application/json",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => json_encode($data),
$context = stream_context_create($options);
file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
$status = $api->statusWebhook($wh->getId());
$status->isReceived(); //true;
$status->getMethod(); //POST
$status->getPayload(); //same what we have in $data
$api = $this->getApiReady();
$pb = $api->createProxyEmail(
'[email protected]',
uniqid() . '@proxiedmail.com',
$pb->getId(); //string ID, A1131D57-6000-0000-00000BAE
$pb->getAddressDetailedCollectionEntity(); //@see RealAddressDetailedCollectionEntity::class
$pb->getProxyAddress(); //[email protected]
$pb->getReceivedEmails(); // 0
$pb->getTypeValue(); // 0 - Regular, 1 - news
$api = $this->getApiReady();
$wh = $api->getProxyEmails();
* @var ProxyBindingEntity $pb
$pb = $wh->getProxyBindings()[0];
Please note that you can see received emails only for proxy-emails with is_browsable opted as true. You can still update is_browsable attribute when you don't when you don't have any received emails yet.
$api = $this->getApiReady();
true //opt in is_browsable
$wh = $api->getProxyEmails();
* @var ProxyBindingEntity $pb
$pb = $wh->getProxyBindings()[0]; //pick up the last one we created
$emailsList = $api->getReceivedEmailsLinksByProxyEmailId($pb->getId());
$entity = $emailsList->getReceivedEmailLinks()[0];
$receivedEmailId = $entity->getId();
$subject = $entity->getSubject();
$recipientEmail = $entity->getRecipientEmail();
$attachmentCounter = $entity->getAttachmentsCounter();
$emailDetails = $api->getReceivedEmailDetailsByReceivedEmailId($entity->getId());
$payload = $email->getPayload();
$strippedHtml = $payload['stripped-html'];
$contentType = $payload['Content-Type'];
$from = $payload['From'];
$sender = $payload['Sender'];
$subject = $payload['Subject'];
$to = $payload['To'];
$bodyHtml = $payload['body-html'];
Also you can try simplified version of it:
$entity = $api->waitUntilNextEmail($pb->getId()); //get by proxy email id
$payload = $entity->getPayload();
In case you're going to receive first email using this function you can pass 0 initial value and receive any email that even was there before the function call.
$api->internalSendMail('test', $pb->getProxyAddress(), 'Test');
$entity = $api->waitUntilNextEmail($pb->getId(), 60, 1, 0); // id, max tried, timeout sec, initial value
OR with the first email:
$entity = $api->waitUntilFirstEmail($pb->getId());
$email = $api->getReceivedEmailDetailsByReceivedEmailId($entity->getId());
$payload = $email->getPayload();
But please pay attention that on the moment of the run email shouldn't be received yet. Otherwise it's going to hugh for some time.
Also see other examples in https://github.com/proxied-mail/proxiedmail-php-client/tree/main/tests/Integration
Authorize first with your email and password. Then use received Bearer token to receive your API key.
You can also get your API token on "Settings" section in your ProxiedMail account: https://proxiedmail.com/en/settings . You can hardcode this token to your application as it's have no expiration date. Please text us if you want to revoke it.
As you may see we have DI built-in in our client to make less dependencies as it just a single class.
$api = PxdMailApinitializer::init();
// OR
$config = new Config('HOST', 'API_TOKEN', 'Bearer token'); //everything nullable
$api = PxdMailApinitializer::init($config);
Please note that if you want to change config in terms of host, bearer or api token over program execution
please RE-Initialize via PxdMailApinitializer::init()
with new config object.
If you're interested please check out our Laravel client. Article: how to receive email in Laravel. Article how to receive email in PHP. Article How to receive email with PHP or Laravel