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ProxiedMail JS client

This simple library will allow you to receive and read emails through your NodeJS application


Welcome to ProxiedMail API client. You're welcome to visit the docs.

Quickly jump into get started guide

You can also check out the article emails receiving emails in NodeJS


đź”´ Authorization

đź”´ Callback receiver (creating callback urls, read callback payload)

đź”´ Proxy-emails CRUD (create, read, update, todo: delete)

đź”´ Browsing received emails list



Use to following command to install:

npm install proxiedmail-api
Local development

To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:

npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:

npm link

To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your proxied_mail_api from, and run:

npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

Finally, you need to build the module:

npm run build


If the library is hosted at a git repository, then install it via:

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

This is an example of receiving callback on received email. If you want to try it out just install the library in some test dir. Then don't forget to sign up in ProxiedMail to get your credentials or just put your existing auth credentials to the example.

Let's say you copied to example to the file (t.js), then you can simply run the command in your terminal:

node t.js

The output will be the following after execution:

check callback. email: [email protected]
GetCallback {
  status: 'ok',
  payload: null,
  code: 'ok',
  is_received: false,
  method: null

Send the email to indicated email. Then you will get something like the following to your app (which indicates received email):

         "Content-Type":"multipart/alternative; boundary=\"0000000000007777f3060f55ba65\"",
         "Date":"Sat, 20 Jan 2024 00:32:04 +0000",
         "From":"Alex Yatsenko <[email protected]>",
         "Subject":"hey hey",
         "To":"[email protected]",
         "body-html":"<div dir=\"ltr\">hello mate</div>\r\n",
         "body-plain":"hello mate\r\n",
         "from":"Alex Yatsenko <[email protected]>",
         "recipient":"[email protected]",
         "sender":"[email protected]",
         "stripped-html":"<div dir=\"ltr\">hello mate</div>\n",
         "stripped-text":"hello mate",
         "subject":"hey hey",
         "address":"[email protected]"
      "receivedAt":"Sat Jan 20 2024 00:32:17 GMT+0000",
         "token":"Bearer ..."

Please follow the installation instruction. But basically it's:

npm install proxiedmail-api

Then you will be able to execute email receiving into your js application. You can use create proxy-emails and browsing emails list via facade. Facade is a limited functionality. If you need more advanced features you can use advanced API.

let ProxiedMailApi = require('proxiedmail-api');

let token = 'YOUR API TOKEN';
const apiApiClient = new ProxiedMailApi.ApiClientFacade(token);
apiApiClient.createProxyEmail((pb) => {
    console.log('Proxy address ' + pb.getProxyEmail())
    console.log('ID ' + pb.getId())

    setInterval(function () {
        console.log('Received emails')
        apiApiClient.getReceivedEmails(pb.getId(), (resp) => {
            if ( > 0) {
      [0].getDetails(function (details) {

    }, 3000);

Here is using ProxiedMail via advanced API:

let ProxiedMailApi = require('proxiedmail-api');

let apiInstance = new ProxiedMailApi.UserApi();

let authReq = {
    'authRequest': ProxiedMailApi.AuthRequest.constructFromObject(
            "data": {
                "type": "auth-request",
                "attributes": {
                    "username": "[email protected]", //please pass your credentials here after sign up
                    "password": "example"

//logging in
apiInstance.userAuth(authReq, (error, data, response) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error("error:" + error);
    } else {
        let token =;
        var apiApiClient = new ProxiedMailApi.ApiApi();
        apiApiClient.apiClient.authentications['api_auth'].accessToken = token; //settings bearer token

        //getting api token
        // your can skip this step and get one on the UI
        apiApiClient.apiV1ApiTokenGet((error, data, response) => {
            if (error) {
                console.error("error:" + error);

            //settings up api token
            let apiToken = data.token;
            var callbackApi = new ProxiedMailApi.CallbackApi();
            callbackApi.apiClient.authentications['api_key'].apiKey = apiToken;

            // creating built-in callback-receiver
            callbackApi.addCallback((error, cb, response) => {
                const proxyBindingPayload = {'proxyBindingCreate': createProxyBindingPayload(cb.call_url)}

                var proxyBindingApi = new ProxiedMailApi.ProxyBindingApi();
                //creating proxy-email and assigning callback url
                proxyBindingApi.addProxyBinding(proxyBindingPayload, (error, pb, response) => {

                    //continuously checking callback status to get the email
                    //just send the email to to check it out
                    const interval = setInterval(function () {
                        callbackApi.apiV1CallbackGetHashGet(, function (error, cbInfo) {
                            console.log('check callback. email: ' +;

                            //printing email info about callback
                            if (cbInfo.is_received) {

                                console.log('Subject: ' + cbInfo.payload.payload.Subject)
                                console.log('Message: ' + cbInfo.payload.payload['body-plain'])
                                console.log('From: ' + cbInfo.payload.payload['from'])


                    }, 2000);
            } )


//callback construction function
function createProxyBindingPayload(callbackUrl) {
    return ProxiedMailApi.ProxyBindingCreate.constructFromObject(
                    "real_addresses":[], //on empty it will generate internal real address
                    //that kind of real addresses is not forwarding anything to any email
                    //however if you need forwarding just use something like "[email protected]"
                    //please note that real address should be confirmed
                    "proxy_address": null,
                    "callback_url": callbackUrl

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ProxiedMailApi.ApiApi apiV1ApiTokenGet GET /api/v1/api-token Get api token
ProxiedMailApi.CallbackApi addCallback POST /api/v1/callback Auhtorization
ProxiedMailApi.CallbackApi apiV1CallbackGetHashGet GET /api/v1/callback/get/{hash} Auhtorization
ProxiedMailApi.ProxyBindingApi addProxyBinding POST /api/v1/proxy-bindings Create proxy-email
ProxiedMailApi.ProxyBindingApi apiV1ProxyBindingsGet GET /api/v1/proxy-bindings List of proxy emails
ProxiedMailApi.ProxyBindingApi patchProxyBinding PATCH /api/v1/proxy-bindings/{id} Update proxy-email
ProxiedMailApi.ReceivedEmailApi apiV1ReceivedEmailsLinksProxyBindingIdGet GET /api/v1/received-emails-links/{proxyBindingId} Get received emails list by proxy email (last 55)
ProxiedMailApi.ReceivedEmailApi apiV1ReceivedEmailsReceivedEmailIdGet GET /api/v1/received-emails/{receivedEmailId} Get content of received email by id
ProxiedMailApi.UserApi userAuth POST /api/v1/auth Auhtorization

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer authentication


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Token
  • Location: HTTP header