Example repository about testing emails with codeception testing framework.
Using ProxiedMail php library to perform email receiving and fetching confirmation code.
If you prefer to have some guide to dive into email testing with codeception, feel free to check out our article on dev.to
Test case is about requesting confirmation on a first page and validating the confirmation code from email on the second. We have two pages:
- Page that requests email confirmation (https://proxiedmail.com/email-playground/index.html)
- Page that validating confirmation code (https://proxiedmail.com/email-playground/confirmation.html)
You can check out the completed code in EmailCodeCest
First of all put your ProxiedMail token to env file
cp .env.dist .env
And put your ProxiedMail token to .env. You can obtain the ProxiedMail token after sign up on ProxiedMail. Just go to the "API" link in a header section.
Then run composer
composer install
Build and up the docker container (runs docker-compose up -d)
make up
Now we're able to run the tests. It runs codeception tests
make test-run
The result should be the following:
@hello codeception-email-testing-example % make test-run
docker exec -it pxdmail-codeception-example php vendor/bin/codecept run --steps
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v5.1.2 https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua
Tests.Acceptance Tests (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EmailCodeCest: Frontpage works
Signature: Tests\Acceptance\EmailCodeCest:frontpageWorks
Test: tests/Acceptance/EmailCodeCest.php:frontpageWorks
Scenario --
I am on page "/email-playground/index.html"
I fill field {"id":"name"},"Tester"
I fill field {"id":"email"},"[email protected]"
I execute js "document.getElementById("submit").click()"
I can see "Check your mailbox"
I assert same "Code confirmation","Code confirmation"
string(349) "[App Name](https://proxiedmail.com)
Please, do not reply! Message customer by their emails.
Bitte nicht antworten! Nachricht an den Kunden per E-Mail.
## Name:
## E-mail:
[email protected]
## Message:
Your confirmation code is 2203
ProxiedMail: https://proxiedmail.com/
© 2024 App Name. All rights reserved."
I am on page "/email-playground/confirmation.html"
I fill field {"id":"confirmation_code"},3079
I execute js "document.getElementById("submit").click()"
I can see "Code is invalid"
I fill field {"id":"confirmation_code"},"2203"
I execute js "document.getElementById("submit").click()"
I can see "Code is valid"
Tests.Functional Tests (0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tests.Unit Tests (0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time: 00:19.199, Memory: 14.00 MB
OK (1 test, 4 assertions)