Module for integrating patient prescription data from a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program system using Open Search to locate prescription information and return a standardized healthcare document format.
This module works with the "spike" Ruby on Rails server - you can get the code for spike at .
This module runs in the OpenMRS electronic health record system. OpenMRS's web site is
Module documentation is
This module works with the "Spike" PDMP simulator which is available at .
This module uses the Maven application to build. Most of the time all you need to do is run "mvn install" and the module will be built in the omod/target directory. It's called pdmp_query-<version>.omod where <version> is the module version.
Once you've built the module you can upload it to OpenMRS using the administrative interface.
This module is distributed under the terms of the OpenMRS public license which is in a file called "LICENSE" in this directory. The OpenMRS public license is based on the Mozilla Public License but with some differences.