2021.03.11 Primer Web
Primer Web
🚀 Enhancement
Note: These are 💥Breaking changes
- The sideNav-item is refactored and now uses variants.
- Options for leading visual items (icon or avatar) and an optional auxiliary counter can now be toggled on/off from the inspector
- Selected state can now be toggled on/off from the inspector
- The old sideNav-items have been removed
- / text only
- / textAvatar
- / textCounter
- / textIcon
- / textLabel
- / textStatus
- / wHeading
🐛 Bug fix
- Removed bg color from underlineNav-tab's
- Removed bg color from repoNavigation to fix the overlap with the component's bottom border.
- repoNav bg color, bg/secondary, is now set to the Repo Head (Pagehead + Footer)
- Corrected tab name for the Discussions tab in repoNavigation
- Fix Issues and Discussions tab selected text to be bold
- Correct positioning of Submit button in Markdown comment box (@brooklynO)
- Remove unnecessary background color in Markdown comment/Desktop (@brooklynO)
- Fix Button/primary/small/icon
- Swap Default for Header component to be Default variant instead of Simple
- Corrected issues icon in repoNav of Repo Head component
- correct new sideNav selected states
🧪 Experimental
- Add interactive component feature to underlineNav-tab
- Refactored repoNavigation to use new underlineNav-tab with prototyping
- The sidenav-item now has the hover state built in