Releases: primefaces/primevue
Releases · primefaces/primevue
PrimeVue 4.2.5
What's Changed
- fix(component): [input-mask] same value triggers update by @betavs in #6886
- Slider: Handle drag fix by @Stawlie in #6885
- Theme designer content create fix by @AnastasiaTsi in #6893
- Fix #6896. Select: fluid doesnt apply properly by @is-paranoia in #6897
- Add isFileLimitExceeded before file is pushed in FileUpload by @sdkirlak in #6901
- fix(Carousel): allow autoplay when value has valid count by @KumJungMin in #6902
- fix(DataTable): update tabIndex when targetRow exists by @KumJungMin in #6920
- fix(TreeTable): Row selected on click at node toggle icon by @KriXPello in #6933
- Fix $form type error by @alirni in #6941
- fix: format date intially by @sivareddyuppathi in #6931
New Contributors
- @AnastasiaTsi made their first contribution in #6893
- @is-paranoia made their first contribution in #6897
- @sdkirlak made their first contribution in #6901
- @KriXPello made their first contribution in #6933
- @alirni made their first contribution in #6941
Full Changelog: 4.2.4...4.2.5
PrimeVue 3.53.1
Update package-lock.json
PrimeVue 4.2.4
What's Changed
- Knob (Typescript): Fix valueTemplate prop type definition by @StealthC in #6842
- Fix #6837 - Updated onInputKeyDown() on InputNumber so that it works as expected by @Abassion in #6845
- fix (ToggleSwitch): Fixed #6859 by @Stawlie in #6860
- fix(TreeTable): prevent selection when selectable is set to false (checkbox mode) by @KumJungMin in #6855
- #6776 fix: Virtual scroller: step prop in delay mode breaks the component by @avramz in #6862
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.2.3...4.2.4
PrimeVue 4.2.3
What's Changed
- fix: prevent text cursor and typing in colorpicker by @navedqb in #6800
- Tabs: @update:value parameter in function definition should be string… by @RBedbur in #6817
- fix: correct empty label rendering to display non-breaking space by @navedqb in #6819
- fix: update time format in 12 hrs format if hourFormat is 12hrs by @sivareddyuppathi in #6831
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.2.2...4.2.3
PrimeVue 4.2.2
What's Changed
- Docs: Update ResolversDoc.vue by @sivareddyuppathi in #6711
- fix(Checkbox): Added "update:indeterminate" emit. by @Stawlie in #6714
- test(multi-select): update unit tests by @betavs in #6705
- fix: Slider: "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation" in primevue_slider.js (touchmove) by @caryhgq in #6537
- Update DrawerEmitsOptions by @evovas in #6622
- fix(slider): correct range operation bug by @j0rgedev in #6674
- fix(Select): resolve $el undefined error by @KumJungMin in #6541
- fix: Destroy dialog instance on close to release unused memory by @YannisJustine in #6597
- Fix/datepicker changes 12am to 12pm on date selection by @Alex-Grimes in #6687
- Fix #6317 InputOtp by @brtinney in #6596
- fix(ConfirmPopup): set to document.activeElement when is empty by @KumJungMin in #6591
- fix(TextArea): autoResize issue with v-show by implementing ResizeObserver by @KumJungMin in #6630
- fix(date-picker): prevent events from bubbling when overlay is clicked by @betavs in #6703
- fix(TreeSelect): prevent event propagation when clicking overlay by @KumJungMin in #6758
- Button: Added "loadingIcon" and "icon" pt options to its slots by @Stawlie in #6765
- fix: InputNumber does not work on Android devices fix by @sivareddyuppathi in #6768
- fix(toggleswitch): ensure visual switch with Material theme by @j0rgedev in #6769
- #6233 - Listbox: Preserve option groups while filtering. by @avramz in #6275
- Fix #5606: Adding support for Quill V2 by @Abassion in #6620
New Contributors
- @sivareddyuppathi made their first contribution in #6711
- @Stawlie made their first contribution in #6714
- @caryhgq made their first contribution in #6537
- @evovas made their first contribution in #6622
- @j0rgedev made their first contribution in #6674
- @YannisJustine made their first contribution in #6597
- @Alex-Grimes made their first contribution in #6687
- @brtinney made their first contribution in #6596
- @Abassion made their first contribution in #6620
Full Changelog: 4.2.1...4.2.2
PrimeVue 4.2.1
What's Changed
- Forms: Incorrect main/module/exports error when importing in #6709
- Forms: Could not resolve "valibot" in #6708
Full Changelog: 4.2.0...4.2.1
PrimeVue 4.2.0
What's Changed
- PrimeVue Forms by @tugcekucukoglu in #6632
- RTL initial by @tugcekucukoglu in #6634
- fix: remove closeIcon prop from InPlace documentation by @navedqb in #6676
- fixes #6543 (missing slot prop: toggleCallback) by @mergehez in #6548
- fixed typo in delay doc by @stackoverfloweth in #6697
- Update ImportPTDoc.vue by @cybtroxy in #6610
- bump vue version by @tuziemon in #6493
New Contributors
- @stackoverfloweth made their first contribution in #6697
- @cybtroxy made their first contribution in #6610
Full Changelog: 4.1.1...4.2.0
PrimeVue 4.1.1
What's Changed
- fix: #5903 by @2234839 in #6088
- fix(Splitter): #6570 (Typo in splitter.js (autocomplete err)) by @MstrVLT in #6571
- fix(DataTable): prevent rowClick trigger when button clicked by @KumJungMin in #6544
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 4.1.0...4.1.1
PrimeVue 4.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix DataTable: emptyMessage passthrough by @philipstarkey in #6455
- fix: remove needless description of popover by @tuziemon in #6449
- Add itemicon slot similar to the one in the breadcrumbs component by @likeadeckofcards in #6031
- Fix #6371: Add node and expanded data on nodetoggleicon. by @mehdirande in #6372
- #6374 Tree: allow
to be a getter by @jacobtylerwalls in #6367 - #6151: refactor the TableHeader template so it renders filters when c… by @avramz in #6197
- Feat(DataTable): added showHeaders prop to datatable by @karpov159 in #5950
- Fix #6390: Updated
example code of document by @kimhanui in #6391 - Proposal for #5463: Add a resetState method to splitter to manually reset state by @mehdirande in #6394
- #6303 fix: Multiselect - correctly default to locale when selectedItemsLabel… by @avramz in #6414
- [InputOtp] select box content when clicking on a box by @mergehez in #6354
- #6347 fix: Datepicker -> Allow user to set year via input when view="year" by @avramz in #6415
- fix DataTable: Allow drop below bottom row by @philipstarkey in #6424
- fix(docs): emit options of drawer component description error by @Mumujianguang in #6465
- #6404 fix: add messages to FileUpload templates by @WatCodeDatCode in #6417
- fix: emit unmask value to update:modelValue when unmask mode by @KumJungMin in #6407
- fix: add unstyled prop to HeaderCheckbox component by @navedqb in #6471
- Fix: focus on wrong element when adding "Select" component to footer slot of DatePicker by @lehuuphuc in #6480
- fix(Password): add 'autofocus' property on Password component by @C17AN in #6483
- fix(Select): replace logical OR Operator to Nullish Coalescing Operator by @C17AN in #6484
- Update .prettierignore by @Tamas-hi in #6495
- #6420 fix: Select: autoFilterFocus stuck when switching between Selects by @avramz in #6510
- #6443 fix: v-tooltip -> getTarget: Correctly fallback to el when find… by @avramz in #6509
- feat: add expandedKeys, update emit event in TreeSelect by @KumJungMin in #6501
New Contributors
- @philipstarkey made their first contribution in #6455
- @tuziemon made their first contribution in #6449
- @likeadeckofcards made their first contribution in #6031
- @mehdirande made their first contribution in #6372
- @karpov159 made their first contribution in #5950
- @kimhanui made their first contribution in #6391
- @Mumujianguang made their first contribution in #6465
- @lehuuphuc made their first contribution in #6480
- @C17AN made their first contribution in #6483
Full Changelog: 4.0.7...4.1.0
PrimeVue 4.0.7
What's Changed
- Fix various typos by @jacobtylerwalls in #6319
- ColumnWidths yanlış yazım düzeltildi. by @ByStronq in #6364
- Dialog: fix #6356 and implement #6357 by @b7c in #6358
- fix: DatePicker: fix showOtherMonths behavior so it doesn't show oth… by @avramz in #6324
- fixes #6353 - InputOtp: IntegerOnly mode accepts "space" by @mergehez in #6355
- fix: handle click event using event.currentTarget in DataTable by @KumJungMin in #6333
- feat(Select): avoid IME input issue when typing in filter by @charlie0228 in #6280
- Improve typing of FileUploadState.messages by @jacobtylerwalls in #6322
- Fix incorrect statement in palette() docs by @jacobtylerwalls in #6378
- Fix issue #6262 - Click outside only when not modal for v4.0.5 by @FabienVINCENT in #6284
New Contributors
- @ByStronq made their first contribution in #6364
- @b7c made their first contribution in #6358
- @mergehez made their first contribution in #6355
- @charlie0228 made their first contribution in #6280
- @FabienVINCENT made their first contribution in #6284
Full Changelog: 4.0.6...4.0.7