What's Changed
- [add] lv locale by @ubau in #2
- [add] pt locale by @piique in #3
- [add] It locale by @bitlab-code in #6
- Create ru.json by @mopsicus in #5
- Update pt.json by @paulorievrs in #4
- Slovak translation by @tavoda in #7
- Create it-IT by @ghiaia in #10
- Correct it name by @francesco-gallo in #9
- Localization for Vietnamese by @donhuvy in #17
- Add ja locale. by @tsuyoz in #16
- Create zh-CN.json by @IKKI2000 in #15
- Add ko.json by @jadestern in #14
- Add Bulgarian locale by @kalinkrustev in #13
- Add en-au locale. by @jafin in #12
- Added pl.json with Polish localization by @JerzyKruszewski in #11
- Revert "Create it-IT" by @mertsincan in #19
- Add Finnish (fi) localization. by @Makistos in #23
- Added German Translation by @DariusRDev in #24
- Create ro.json by @stefan-dan in #20
- Create ms.json by @aliuddinabdrauf in #21
- Update ru.json by @tsipiniuk in #25
- Create uk.json by @tsipiniuk in #26
- Spanish translation by @melloware in #27
- Bulgarian translation by @kalinkrustev in #28
- Add fa locale. by @b4rdia in #22
- Update de.json by @MaxK4Code in #29
- French translation by @ShiftcodeDream in #30
- Update ru.json by @tsipiniuk in #31
- Update uk.json by @tsipiniuk in #32
- Update uk.json by @tsipiniuk in #33
- Fix week vs weak by @mees- in #35
- Add translation to dutch by @mees- in #34
- Turkish Lang Support by @snndmnsz in #36
- Update PT by @henmoraes in #37
- Create gr.json by @dkaltHub in #39
- add comma in pt.json by @ThyagoFRTS in #40
- Update ja locale. by @tsuyoz in #41
- Hungarian translation by @KOliver94 in #42
- Arabic translations by @kalinkrustev in #43
- Add Swedish translation by @TechnoX in #44
- feat: add missing IT translations by @AleTornesello in #45
- Fixed #46 - Update 'en' locale for accessibility improvements by @tugcekucukoglu in #47
- Update Russian translation by @dbelob in #48
- updated translation uk by @tsipiniuk in #49
- Update Hungarian translation by @KOliver94 in #52
- Update Russian translation by @dbelob in #53
- feat: update IT translations by @AleTornesello in #54
- French translation update by @ShiftcodeDream in #51
- Update Russian translation by @dbelob in #55
- Updated lv locale by @ubau in #56
- Update pt.json by @lucasaljalali in #57
- updated pageLabel by @tsipiniuk in #58
- Update ar.json by @kalinkrustev in #59
- review italian translations by @MarcoFiusco in #60
- Update ja locale. by @tsuyoz in #61
- Add catalan language by @Marteyo in #62
- French translation update by @agnonym in #63
- Fix typo by @Fruup in #64
- added en-gb by @bitlab-code in #65
- 🇳🇴 Add translations for nb-no by @rubjo in #66
- Update README.md by @JulianLlanten8 in #67
- Add Bahasa Indonesia Translation by @Azzammi in #68
- Missing comma in ro.json by @bela-beetf in #69
- Update fa.json by @mahdi-toosi in #70
- Add Slovenian locale by @fprijate in #72
- fix: day month case. Add new translations. by @fprijate in #73
- Update pl.json by @DanielStaroscik in #74
- Updated german translation by @michastubi in #76
- Remove comments from translation by @michastubi in #75
- feat: update ar translation by @mohamed-omar-mubark in #77
- Update id.json by @chu121su12 in #78
- Add kyrgyz locale and fix russian locale by @ALYMBEK-KG in #80
- Remove comments by @melloware in #83
- Remove comments from fr.json by @dflock in #84
- Update zh-CN.json by @zyf722 in #85
- add zh-TW.json by @Landy510 in #86
- Czech translation by @petriczech in #87
- Update sk.json by @tomas3093 in #88
- Add showMonthAfterYear=true/false for countries that display year first by @melloware in #89
- kurdish language supoort by @metinbulak in #91
- Adds Danish locale by @miloandco in #92
- Fix {page} labels by @melloware in #93
- Complete / verify Dutch translations by @jepsar in #94
- NL: days and months in lowercase by @jepsar in #96
- update ko by @jadestern in #95
- Update ro.json by @stefan-dan in #97
- Add package.json by @melloware in #98
- removed trailing commas in package json by @Anders142536 in #99
- Update fr.json to correct slide translation by @dflock in #102
- Adjust Hungarian translation by @KOliver94 in #103
- Update ca.json by @martimvs in #105
- Added filesize types locale by @SoyDiego in #106
- corrected spanish translations by @SoyDiego in #108
- Added Hindi Translation File by @tusharsrivastava in #109
- Add Austrian German translation by @Martinaut in #111
- text: ✏️ Update Wednesday in dayNamesMin by @GussRw in #112
- Fix date format by @dbelob in #113
- Change finnish date format by @joiglifberg in #114
- Update Russian translation by @dbelob in #115
- Fix incorrect case of firstDayOfWeek in fi-FI by @joiglifberg in #117
- Hebrew Locale file by @yoni-edrigo in #118
- feat: Add missing translation 'fileSizeTypes' in zh-tw by @zvn2060 in #120
- Fix #116: Added Now label by @melloware in #122
- Update he.js by @yoni-edrigo in #123
- fix: Added 'Now' label to sync with english version by @zvn2060 in #124
- refactor: ♻️ better arabic translation by @mbadr2200 in #121
- Added Now label to Hungarian translation by @KOliver94 in #126
- Added Now label by @stefan-dan in #127
- update ko.json by @jadestern in #128
- chore: Add "Now" translation in Catalan and Spanish by @SoyDiego in #130
- Update Russian translation by @dbelob in #129
- Update sk.json by @tomas3093 in #132
- edit tr.json by @selimsezr in #133
- Update kg.json by @ALYMBEK-KG in #134
- add missing key emptySearchMessage using emptyFilterMessage by @chepe263 in #131
- fix: turkish dateFormat set by @antlionguard in #136
- Turkish translation fix by @antlionguard in #137
- feat: missing translation added by @antlionguard in #138
- feat: updated MS language to match EN keys by @adlanarifzr in #140
- Fix Czech missing fileSizeTypes by @aleksan4eg in #141
- Add Croatian language support by @davidmalis in #142
- Update ja.json by @imo-tikuwa in #144
- add kurdish language (ckb) by @swarakaka in #145
- Corrections for NL language by @IndyNaessens in #146
- Update lv.json by @ubau in #147
- Added Khmer language by @chhaihong-dev in #148
- Added Brazilian Portuguese language by @misteregis in #149
- Add missing text id.json by @ganjarsetia in #150
- Update README.md by @ingIsmaelCM in #151
- Add Thai locale by @jbookersas in #153
- Fix #154: Password show and hide by @melloware in #155
- Rename Greek from GR to EL by @melloware in #156
- Create Tunisian Arab translation by @ram-you in #157
- Fix #158: One Time Password label by @melloware in #159
- Add select, unselect, expand, collapse by @melloware in #160
- Fix Russian translation by @dbelob in #161
- fix(zh-TW): incorrect meaning of translation by @zvn2060 in #162
- Improve three german translations by @m-meier in #163
- Update zh-CN.json by @BunnyShing in #164
- Add German - Switzerland translation by @bettercalljason in #166
- Add Serbian cyrillic translation by @daut in #167
- Change Serbian lang code by @daut in #168
- Update fr.json by @Florian-Mt in #169
- Fix dead links to PrimeReact and PrimeNG by @Farbfetzen in #174
- [issue-175_fix-es-calendar] Correct abbreviation for es dayNamesMin by @jasonfellows in #176
- Add removeLabel by @melloware in #178
- Add Remove Label by @melloware in #179
- Made corrections to translations in ar.json. by @abdelrahmman97 in #180
- Fix Russian translation by @dbelob in #181
- Improve Polish translation for emptyMessage key by @jbookersas in #183
- feat: add Uzbek language support by @azabroflovski in #184
New Contributors
- @ubau made their first contribution in #2
- @piique made their first contribution in #3
- @bitlab-code made their first contribution in #6
- @mopsicus made their first contribution in #5
- @paulorievrs made their first contribution in #4
- @tavoda made their first contribution in #7
- @ghiaia made their first contribution in #10
- @francesco-gallo made their first contribution in #9
- @donhuvy made their first contribution in #17
- @tsuyoz made their first contribution in #16
- @IKKI2000 made their first contribution in #15
- @jadestern made their first contribution in #14
- @kalinkrustev made their first contribution in #13
- @jafin made their first contribution in #12
- @JerzyKruszewski made their first contribution in #11
- @mertsincan made their first contribution in #19
- @Makistos made their first contribution in #23
- @DariusRDev made their first contribution in #24
- @stefan-dan made their first contribution in #20
- @aliuddinabdrauf made their first contribution in #21
- @tsipiniuk made their first contribution in #25
- @melloware made their first contribution in #27
- @b4rdia made their first contribution in #22
- @MaxK4Code made their first contribution in #29
- @ShiftcodeDream made their first contribution in #30
- @mees- made their first contribution in #35
- @snndmnsz made their first contribution in #36
- @henmoraes made their first contribution in #37
- @dkaltHub made their first contribution in #39
- @ThyagoFRTS made their first contribution in #40
- @KOliver94 made their first contribution in #42
- @TechnoX made their first contribution in #44
- @AleTornesello made their first contribution in #45
- @tugcekucukoglu made their first contribution in #47
- @dbelob made their first contribution in #48
- @lucasaljalali made their first contribution in #57
- @MarcoFiusco made their first contribution in #60
- @Marteyo made their first contribution in #62
- @agnonym made their first contribution in #63
- @Fruup made their first contribution in #64
- @rubjo made their first contribution in #66
- @JulianLlanten8 made their first contribution in #67
- @Azzammi made their first contribution in #68
- @bela-beetf made their first contribution in #69
- @mahdi-toosi made their first contribution in #70
- @fprijate made their first contribution in #72
- @DanielStaroscik made their first contribution in #74
- @michastubi made their first contribution in #76
- @mohamed-omar-mubark made their first contribution in #77
- @chu121su12 made their first contribution in #78
- @ALYMBEK-KG made their first contribution in #80
- @dflock made their first contribution in #84
- @zyf722 made their first contribution in #85
- @Landy510 made their first contribution in #86
- @petriczech made their first contribution in #87
- @tomas3093 made their first contribution in #88
- @metinbulak made their first contribution in #91
- @miloandco made their first contribution in #92
- @jepsar made their first contribution in #94
- @Anders142536 made their first contribution in #99
- @martimvs made their first contribution in #105
- @SoyDiego made their first contribution in #106
- @tusharsrivastava made their first contribution in #109
- @Martinaut made their first contribution in #111
- @GussRw made their first contribution in #112
- @joiglifberg made their first contribution in #114
- @yoni-edrigo made their first contribution in #118
- @zvn2060 made their first contribution in #120
- @mbadr2200 made their first contribution in #121
- @selimsezr made their first contribution in #133
- @chepe263 made their first contribution in #131
- @antlionguard made their first contribution in #136
- @adlanarifzr made their first contribution in #140
- @aleksan4eg made their first contribution in #141
- @davidmalis made their first contribution in #142
- @imo-tikuwa made their first contribution in #144
- @swarakaka made their first contribution in #145
- @IndyNaessens made their first contribution in #146
- @chhaihong-dev made their first contribution in #148
- @misteregis made their first contribution in #149
- @ganjarsetia made their first contribution in #150
- @ingIsmaelCM made their first contribution in #151
- @jbookersas made their first contribution in #153
- @ram-you made their first contribution in #157
- @m-meier made their first contribution in #163
- @BunnyShing made their first contribution in #164
- @bettercalljason made their first contribution in #166
- @daut made their first contribution in #167
- @Florian-Mt made their first contribution in #169
- @Farbfetzen made their first contribution in #174
- @jasonfellows made their first contribution in #176
- @abdelrahmman97 made their first contribution in #180
- @azabroflovski made their first contribution in #184
Full Changelog: https://github.com/primefaces/primelocale/commits/1.0.0