This module is supposed to be self hosted as a service in your own application, but a public hosted version will be available at some point. Several docker images are available.
This service processes the web socket event stream from to produce a filtered and transformed copy of their database, as well as self-refreshing materialized view for the lowest buy price and highest sell price for every item.
If the scopes of the service are not enough for your use-case, fell free to fork this repository and modify the code under src/processing
Image name: prenaissance/pricing-tf-processing
Environment variables:
Name | Description | Default value |
MongoDbUrl | The url of the mongo database | mongodb://localhost:27017 |
MongoDbName | The name of the mongo database | backpack-tf-replica |
BackpackTfCookie | The cookie from a session | REQUIRED |
ListingsTtlHours | How long to keep stale listings in db | 6 |
The following collections are aggregated in the provided mongo database:
- replica of the listings database, with some information filtered
- materialized views of best buy and sell prices for each itemtf-bots-prices
- materialized views of the best buy and sell prices for each item, taking in account only bot listings
This services provides a gRPC and a REST API to query for item prices or listings. This CRUD service is an extension to the processing service and requires connecting it to the same database.
WIP: REST Api not yet implemented
Image name: prenaissance/pricing-tf-webapi
Exposed port: 8080
Environment variables:
Name | Description | Default value |
MongoDbUrl | The url of the mongo database | mongodb://localhost:27017 |
MongoDbName | The name of the mongo database | backpack-tf-replica |
BackpackTfCookie | Used as fallback for key prices | null |
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "PricingTf.WebApi";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
package pricingTf;
service PricingService {
rpc GetPricing (ItemRequest) returns (ItemPricing);
rpc GetBotPricing (ItemRequest) returns (ItemPricing);
rpc GetKeyExchangeRate (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (KeyExchangeRate);
rpc GetAllBotPricings (AllPricingRequest) returns (stream ItemPricing);
message ItemRequest {
string name = 1;
message TradeDetails {
string listing_id = 1;
google.protobuf.StringValue trade_offer_url = 2;
message PricingDetails {
double price = 1;
TradeDetails trade_details = 2;
message ItemPricing {
string name = 1;
optional PricingDetails buy = 2;
optional PricingDetails sell = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 4;
enum KeyExchangeSource {
Listings = 0;
Snapshot = 1;
message KeyExchangeRate {
double metal = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 2;
KeyExchangeSource source = 3;
message AllPricingRequest {
optional uint32 updated_since_seconds = 1;
- Run
docker compose -f=docker-compose.yml up -d
- For needed services copy
:cp src/processing/appsettings.json src/processing/appsettings.Development.json
- Replace needed env variables with yours
- Run needed services, example for processing:
cd src/processing && dotnet run
- Change needed env variables in
- Run
docker compose -f=docker-compose.yml up -d --build
- Add Rest API, probably using grpc json transcoding
- Add generic unusual items in price aggregations
- Fix edge cases in which very seldomly the events cannot be deserialized
- Integrate some statistical analysis for the pricing formulas