基于KSU WEBUI实现的Zertier客户端,同时支持部分zerotier服务端功能。 Magisk需要搭配5ec1cff/KsuWebUIStandalone使用。
通过UI启动的zerotier进程会随着KSU Manager的结束而退出 - 在模块禁用的情况下依然可以操作服务启用和停用(实际上不应该能操作,毕竟都禁用了),这将导致下次启用模块的时候要启停服务两次才能使用zerotier进程正确启动。ps:模块禁用功能是特地保留的,我不想在停用模块的情况下还占用系统资源。
- 服务停止的情况下,有概率会在首页显示已经禁用的节点。
zt切换网络导致全局断网的问题ZerotierOne 1.14.0版本已修复- 管理页在处理Member的时候需要等待处理完才能展开下一个Member的信息,否则后一个会覆盖前一个的配置,导致第一个Member修改的配置不生效。可以提前缓存下要修改的信息,一次发送请求,下次再改。
- 流水线增加自定义zerotier版本编译。
据说1.8.9版本没有zt切换网络导致全局断网的问题,经过测试,依然复现,而且还有漏洞,官方推荐1.12.x版本以上有安全补丁,别降级了。 - 增加管理页面,需要自行准备API Token
- 国际化
本项目不对以下情况负责:设备变砖、SD 卡损坏或 SoC 烧毁。
,iptables放行UDP 9993入端口
sh /data/adb/modules/ZeroTierForKSU/zerotier-cli # 同官方
sh /data/adb/modules/ZeroTierForKSU/zerotier-idtool # 同官方
sh /data/adb/modules/ZeroTierForKSU/zerotier.inotify # 监听/data/adb/zerotier/state目录,用于启动服务。
zerotier.sh options
-h -- Show this message.
start -- Start Zerotier Service
restart -- Retart Zerotier Service
stop -- Stop Zerotier Service
status -- Show Node Status
token -- Show Local Service Token
apiToken -- Show Remote Service apiToken
inotifyd -- Start inotifyd Service
sh zerotier.sh -h
sh zerotier.sh start
sh zerotier.sh restart
sh zerotier.sh stop
sh zerotier.sh status
sh zerotier.sh token
sh zerotier.sh apiToken
sh zerotier.sh inotifyd
api.sh <api_type> [options]
-h -- Show this message.
<api_type> local/central
status -- Show Node Status
service -- Manage Zerotier-One Service Status
action value:[ start | stop ]
network -- When the action is "list", "networkid" and "bodydata" are optional. When the action is "leave", "bodydata" is optional. When the action is "join", "networkid" and "bodydata" are required.
action value:[ list | leave | join ]
networkid value:[ networkid ](optional)
bodydata value:[ JSON object ](optional)
peer -- All the nodes your node knows about
firewall -- Control the firewall to allow traffic into port 9993
action value:[ A | D ]
router -- Set the Zerotier traffic routing method
router value:[ routing (unrealized) | main ]
action value:[ A | D ]
orbit -- Join Private Root Servers
moonid value:[ moonid ]
status -- Show Center Status
network -- When the action is "list", "networkid" and "bodydata" are optional. When the action is "remove", "bodydata" is optional. When the action is "add", No parameters are required. When the action is "modify", "networkid" and "bodydata" are required.
action value:[ list | remove | add | modify ]
networkid value:[ networkid ](optional)
bodydata value:[ JSON object ](optional)
member -- When the action is "list", "bodydata" and "memberID" are optional. When the action is "remove", "bodydata" is optional. When the action is "modify", "networkid", "memberID" and "bodydata" are required.
action value:[ list | remove | modify ]
networkid value:[ networkid ] (optional)
memberID value:[ memberID ] (optional)
bodydata value:[ JSON object ] (optional)
apiToken -- Manage the tokenAuth for accessing the central API
action value:[ show | update ]
key value:[ apiToken ]
sh api.sh -h
sh api.sh local status
sh api.sh local service start
sh api.sh local service stop
sh api.sh local peer
sh api.sh local firewall A
sh api.sh local firewall D
sh api.sh local router routing A (unrealized)
sh api.sh local router routing D (unrealized)
sh api.sh local router main A
sh api.sh local router main D
sh api.sh local orbit yourMoonid
sh api.sh local network list
sh api.sh local network leave yourNetworkid (suggest: use command `zerotier-cli leave yourNetworkid`)
sh api.sh local network join yourNetworkid {} (suggest: use command `zerotier-cli join yourNetworkid`)
sh api.sh central status
sh api.sh central network list
sh api.sh central network remove yourNetworkid
sh api.sh central network add
sh api.sh central network modify yourNetworkid {}
sh api.sh central member list yourNetworkid
sh api.sh central member remove yourNetworkid memberID
sh api.sh central member modify yourNetworkid memberID '{"hidden":false,"config":{"authorized":true}}'
sh api.sh apiToken show
sh api.sh apiToken update xxxxxxxxx