Some useful PS Scripts to make life easier:
- enable-ssh-server.ps1 -- Installs and enable SSH server with Public Key Authentization on Windows host
To bypass Power Shell policy, you can use this trick from PowerShell console:
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File script_to_run.ps1
This script automates installation and configuration of the OpenSSH server on Windows host The OpenSSH Server an integral part of the Windows 10 since 1809 build.
The script configures the 'administrators_authorized_keys' mechanism for authentication.
The SSH Server service start is changed to automatic then SSH server is accessible after each computer reboot.
enable-ssh-server.ps1 "<place SSH Key string here>" -Port 2345
- SSHKey (Mandatory) - The SSH Key (as string) to be used for authentication
- Port - Port where the SSH server will listen for connections. This port will be also enabled at the Windows Firewall and previously used port will be blocked by the Firewall.
To remove ssh key from known hosts to allow connect after VM redeploy or SSH server reinstall:
ssh-keygen -R