A game about catching Pokémon, defeating gym leaders, and watching numbers get bigger.
NOTE: PokéClicker is still in its early stages of development!
You can try out the current state at www.pokeclicker.com
The design document is in a fancy LaTeX format that can be viewed here It contains all knowledge needed to help out in the development.
All file and class names should be upper CamelCase. Function names should be lower camelCase.
First make sure you have git and npm available as command-line utilities (so you should install Git and NodeJS if you don't have them already).
Open a command line interface in the directory that contains this README file, and use the following command to install PokéClicker's other dependencies locally:
npm install
Then finally, run the following command in the command line interface to start a browser running PokéClicker.
npm start
Changes to the sourcecode will automatically cause the browser to refresh. This means you don't need to compile TypeScript yourself. Gulp will do this for you 👍
npm install
npm start
Before deploying, check that the game compiles and starts up without errors. Then run:
npm run website
After this command completes, push the changed files in the 'docs' directory to Github.