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Traveling System

Bauss Bauss edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 5 revisions

Since Pokébot V2 posts are no longer entirely random and follows a routine.

The routine goes:

Wild -> Wild -> Town (75%) / City (25%) -> Wild -> Wild -> City

After that it repeats from the beginning.


A wild post can contain the following:

  • A wild pokémon (60%)
  • A trainer (30%)
  • An item (10%)

The type of the pokémon as well trainer all depends on the area and it tries to fit the area ex. if you are in the ocean then water pokémons, swimmers etc. are the ones to show.


A town post can contain the following

  • A Poké Center (100%)
  • Gym (If the town has a gym) (100% | 50% if the town has a contest hall as well)
  • Contest (If the town has a contest hall) (33% | 50% if the town has a gym as well)
  • Poké Mart (Sells either pokéballs / potions OR stones) (72%)
  • Day Care (13%)
  • Quest (If there are any quests) (15%)


A city post can contain the following

  • A Poké Center (100%)
  • Gym (If the city has a gym) (50% | 25% if the city has a contest hall as well)
  • Contest (If the city has a contest hall) (50% | 25% if the city has a gym as well)
  • Poké Mall (Sells either boost items or TMs) (72%)
  • Day Care (13%)
  • Quest (If there are any quests) (15%)

The travel system makes it much easier to predict the type of posts and prepare in advance. It also makes the bot more interesting allowing you to shape your story and journey, making it into an actual adventure!

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