A Streamlit component for Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) integration
pip install msal-streamlit-authentication
Example: Local Project With Docker | Example: Deploy MSAL on Ploomber | Enterprise Support
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This Streamlit component enables seamless client-side authentication using:
- Azure Active Directory (AAD) work and school accounts
- Microsoft personal accounts (MSA)
- Social identity providers (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.) through Azure AD B2C
Built on the Microsoft MSAL JS Library, it supports any provider using OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow (PKCE).
Register Your Application
- Register a Single Page Application in Azure AD
- Note your Client ID and configure redirect URIs for targeted final URI
Install the Package
pip install msal-streamlit-authentication
Implementation Example
value = msal_authentication( auth={ "clientId": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "authority": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/YOUR_TENANT_ID", "redirectUri": "/", "postLogoutRedirectUri": "/" }, cache={ "cacheLocation": "sessionStorage", "storeAuthStateInCookie": False }, login_request={ "scopes": ["YOUR_SCOPE/.default"] } )
Client ID: Found in Azure Portal under "Application (client) ID"
Tenant ID: Found in Azure Portal under "Directory (tenant) ID"
# ... required config ...
login_button_text="Login", # Default: "Login"
logout_button_text="Logout", # Default: "Logout"
class_name="css_button_class", # CSS class selector
html_id="button_id", # HTML ID
key="1" # Streamlit component key
For more information on configuring scopes and permissions, see the official documentation.
Basic scope example:
"scopes": ["https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"]
By default, MSAL uses the current page as the redirect URI. To customize:
# ... other config ...
"redirectUri": "/custom-path",
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