$ whoami #
I am Satoshi Nakamoto. I cannot really prove it, but that's not the point. You should be Satoshi Nakamoto too.
Well, plebhash is actually a nym. I am a Computer Engineer in my mid-30s. I hold a BSc in Electronics Engineering from USP and a MSc in Computer Engineering from UFG. I started my "professional" journey in the Automotive industry, so I have some grasp over Embedded Linux, Systems Programming and Real Time Communication. From 2019 to 2023, I dedicated my time to the so-called "web3" universe, working for the IOTA Foundation and later for Parity Technologies.
Nowadays, I'm a grantee with Vinteum working on StratumV2 Reference Implementation, which is a protocol for Bitcoin Mining.
PGP: 37DA 6F2F 5996 6316
⛏️ plebs be hashin ⚡