Taxonfinder detects scientific names in plain text. Given a string, it will scan through the contents and use a dictionary-based approach to identifying which words and strings are latin scientific organism names. Taxonfinder will detect names at all ranks including Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Subspecies and lots more.
npm install taxonfinder --save
var taxonfinder = require('taxonfinder');
var resultsWithOffsets = taxonfinder.findNamesAndOffsets(stringWithNamesInIt);
npm test
npm run test-coverage
1.1.0 Added a nametag module for making up HTML with found names
1.0.0 Can now find subgenera; Accepts an isHtml attribute for handling HTML and plain text properly; Cleaner and more streamlined code and index.js
0.2.2 No longer finding insanely long names; Can now find species in a comma-delimited list
0.2.1 Bumping version due to npm blip
0.2.0 Added ability to resolve abbreviated genera
0.1.4 Updating package.json
0.1.3 Improving documentation
0.1.2 Bug fixes: dictionaries not loading
0.1.1 Bug fixes: dictionaries not loading
0.1.0 Initial release