=== Release 1.1.33 - 03 Aug 2018 ===
! upgrading your servers to 3.2.0 (build >= 1525708231) is recommended
+ added TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Json which builds a JSON struct similar to what is
provided by the Planet TeamSpeak Simple REST API (servernodes) and is fully
compatible to the jquery-ts3viewer plugin
+ added support for optional server shutdown messages
+ added support for secure shell connections
+ added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception::hasReturnCode()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Exception::getReturnCode()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::customSet()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::customDelete()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::customSet()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::customDelete()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::getBadges()
+ added TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::hasOverwolf()
* TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now displays client_is_recording status
* documentation fixes